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FOXSexpert: A How-To Guide for Men on Multiple Orgasms - anal vibrator for men

by:KISSTOY     2019-09-23
FOXSexpert: A How-To Guide for Men on Multiple Orgasms  -  anal vibrator for men
Man, imagine being shocked by the same luxury that many women enjoy: multiple orgasms.
Nowadays, due to the ancient oriental movement, more and more people are learning, and after weeks of training and practice, they can experience multiple operating systems with a partner.
So, consider your crash class to explore more
Have the potential to orgasm. . —
Enhance physical strength.
If you haven't, then work on strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.
Like women, men can exercise their PC (pubic tail) muscles for better sex and endurance. —
Enhance your spiritual strength.
Focus is essential.
OK, maybe that sounds weird, but calm your mind by counting to 100 during the stimulus.
Make every breath worth counting and don't let your mind wander. —
Get familiar with your climax reaction.
When your body is sexually aroused, pay attention to its reaction.
Familiarize yourself with your sexual cycle and focus on what happens during the "plateau stage", which is the third stage of the human sexual cycle.
It follows the stage of desire and excitement before the climax.
Click here to see why researchers say men value this rather than sex.
The plateau period is also known as the contraction or discharge period, because it is at this time that the prostate contract and discharge semen from the urethra.
At this point, every male has to make a big decision: do I continue to do what I am doing, be satisfied immediately, and discharge semen?
Or will I slow down and delay the ultimate fun and try to end with multiple orgasms?
If you choose the former, then you will enter the sexual response of the third stage, called the expulsion or climax stage, where semen passes through the urethra and flows out of the opening of the penis.
But if you stick to it, you'll be in a contraction phase and enjoy a series of prostate contractions.
For three to five seconds, these pelvic orgasms may range from mild to strong.
After reaching the climax, the body enters the decomposition stage, at which the muscles relax, the blood pressure drops, and the body slows down from the state of excitement. —
Do a balancing act.
If you expect to experience multiple orgasms, you can't give in to certain temptations-the amazing feeling of drifting.
If you stay strong and want multiple O then you still want to be as close as possible to the inevitability of ejaculation-this is just before the semen is discharged.
Sounds like a lot of work, right?
You haven't finished yet.
To do this, you have :-
Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles and focus on the muscles around the prostate. —
While contracting your PC muscles, put pressure on your "Million Dollar Point.
This is the area on your perineum (the area where the anal opening and the sac of the SAC are attached to the body ).
This will help control the reflections that can push you to the edge and force more blood into the penis for more beating effects. —
Try to draw energy from your genitals and spine.
These seven steps are helpful to your efforts: 1.
Learn how to breathe properly while exercising the pelvic floor muscles.
Holding your breath will not cut.
Practice abdominal breathing, take a few deep breaths and relax your entire body and your wake-up response.
This will eventually expand the feeling of orgasm. 2.
Keep positive and challenging ideas that may make you doubt your abilities. 3.
Practice visual images.
This should include your responsibility and control of your sexual response: stay calm, calm, and collect (including when you slow down and gradually increase your speed) to an unavoidable level-
Don't let go!
It should also include the warmth, humidity, grip you imagine your partner. . . and --
No matter how excited you are-
You take charge, relax, relax. 4.
Learn to adapt to your awakening.
Change your behavior even if it means stopping control. 5.
Know what to do during a stopover.
While it may work to relax and enjoy the lovely, exciting feeling that your excitement drops, you need to be able to think or talk about non-
Can help you postpone the climax. 6.
If you usually lack control, stop before you reach the shrink stage. 7.
If you haven't used a condom yet, consider a condom with a longer life span.
You might want to read the topic, so try Mantak Chia's more
I think this is a super resource.
Also, make sure you are patient with yourself.
You may not always be successful. it doesn't matter.
Remember, practice makes perfect?
So take the attitude of "try it, try it again.
As mentioned earlier, this is a fast low
About how a man begins his own journey of Ultimate Love.
This effort, however, requires a lot of time, effort, discipline and practice.
This needs to be practiced alone with a partner, and many men don't see the results in four to six weeks.
Some people learn to do it themselves and naturally react to their own physical rhythm --
But even they didn't learn that overnight.
Similarly, men who are willing to commit to this quest have very patient, giving, understanding partners-who are willing to put their happiness on hold for the sake of a bigger cause.
But hard work and long waiting are worth it. Dr.
Yvonne Cristin Fulbright is the founder of a sex educator, relationship expert, columnist, and sex resources company.
She is the author of several books, including touching me there! A Hands-
Guide to hot spots at your climax.
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