Fraternity pledges 'burned with matches and lighters, forced to simulate sex acts with toys and locked blindfolded in a closet' at Texas Christian University - christian sex toys
New members of the Texas Christian University Brotherhood were allegedly blindfolded, locked in a closet and forced to perform with sex toys.
They were also allegedly burned by matches and lighters when forced to recite the Greek alphabet.
It is said that before they succeeded in reciting the Greek alphabet, the pledge was forced to hold a game of ignition, which led to the burning of some members.
According to complaints obtained by KXAS, they were also blindfolded, locked in a closet for more than an hour, and were told "sex with sex toys and sex toys ".
On November 1, a student reported the incident to campus officials and immediately began a criminal investigation.
The student also complained about the "rampant racism" of the Brotherhood ".
Investigators interviewed 32 promises the day after the alleged bullying.
Some people suffered significant injuries to their fingers and forearm due to apparent burns.
Committed to refusing to pursue criminal charges, the investigation ended within a week.
According to police reports, while the investigation did reveal the crime, there were no witnesses who cooperated.
The authorities received a text message sent between commitments, which referred to the alleged bullying incident.
"I'm sorry, boys, half of you have been burned, and all of you are making wooden boards because I don't learn enough about the alphabet," a message reads . ".
. . . . . . I can't compensate you but I just want you to know that I let my brothers down and I wish I could burn my fingers off
The Delta Tau Delta Chapter ordered the closure of the TCU chapter last month, after a survey confirmed that it repeatedly violated the Brotherhood's risk management policies, including bullying, during the fall 2017 semester.
On Thursday, the TCU issued a statement about the DTD chapter and what is called libel.
Texas Christian University was disappointed to learn of the allegations against its campus Brotherhood.
When TCU's campus life office received a notice of charge, the university immediately stopped the group's activitiesand-
The statement states that the order is stopped and the national branch of the Brotherhood is notified, which then chooses to close the branch at the University.
Police have investigated;
An investigation into whether the reported behavior violates the student code of conduct will follow the police investigation and the findings are independent of any legal charges.
TCU wants students to comply with campus policies, comply with state and federal laws, and act in an ethical manner.