'Free Love' Still Rules at Swingers Convention - anal sex and toys

News broadcasts and talk shows are filled with daily warnings about the dangers of AIDS and "unsafe" sex.
Some single women have condoms in their wallets.
One out of every five Americans says the threat of AIDS has dramatically changed their lives.
For some, this seems to be the end of the sexual revolution.
But for more than 1,000 people gathered at the Manor Resort and Casino last weekend, the party was barely over.
They are members of the North American swing Club Assn.
A group dedicated to being called "free love" in their 60 s, people in their 80 s seem to be significantly harmful to their health.
The Californian, the president of the group, Robert McKinley, acknowledged that the number of people active in AIDS becoming a problem has decreased by 50%, among the 50% active wobbles in the United States he estimates, the number of participants in swing groups has dropped by about 3 million.
But he and others say that, in fact, in the past four to five months, there has been a surge in membership, and McGinley's message to the convention is that the swing is infected with the disease.
"The threat is drug use via intravenous injection, not sexual behavior," he wrote in a booklet distributed throughout the convention.
The parliament has frustrated many public health officials. Dr.
Martin Finn, medical director of the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services AIDS program, said the swing is considered a high
The group at risk of AIDS, because they have sex with many partners.
"Of course I would love to send them some literature," he said of the conference . ".
Some participants in the convention, particularly women, have criticized McKinley for saying that he understands the risk of AIDS to women.
But when the conference exhibitors are busy selling sex toys and explicit publications, white-
At a booth, coated laboratory technicians who provided blood tests for HIV spent their time doing nothing.
It is reported that there is only one meeting by noon on Saturday
Goer paid for his blood to test the virus.
"We're just talking about social sexuality, and the world has always had social sexuality," says McGinley, who lives in Orange County . ".
"No matter what happens, you can't stop the human need for sexual expression.
"The three female employees of the conference center secretly glanced at the crowd while typing ---
Name only--
Conference name badge.
One of the typists said she was shocked by the nature of the incident, but she laughed as she said.
The swing, McGinley says, will upset "straight" people because their presence suggests there are more than one way to get married.
"It's not sex itself, it's a choice that scares people," he said . ".
Hugh Wallace, a spokesman for the conference, a marriage and family therapist, said he believed that, like McKinley, the swing was quietly inciting a social revolution. The old-
Wallace, who lives by the river, says the old-fashioned marriage philosophy is that marriage must be permanent and sexual.
As a society, we have abandoned the idea that marriage is permanent.
Infidelity and one-husband wife are a cultural norm, he said.
The vacillating people say they don't believe in cheating.
They promote the pursuit of sexual diversity. board manner.
They think that couples are pursuing outside.
Marriage satisfaction is a function of marriage, not the diversity of sex.
Wallace believes that, for this reason, swing is indeed healthier than a husband's wife or adultery ---
It retains the marriage unit.
On the day she got married 30 years ago, little Lora took her husband Owal as her first and only partner;
In those days women were expected to do so.
She said the arrangement was satisfactory for a period of time, but six or seven years ago, when the couple's three children grew up, orval Minor said, he began to think it was unfair for his wife to never sleep with another man.
So, according to minors, they look for it.
They said they were not looking for an affair, they were looking for sex to supplement their marriage, and they found it in the swing.
"I think it's an entertainment," said Lora Minor, 52 . ".
"It has nothing to do with our relationship.
Still, Minor says she has been carrying condoms with her.
"I was very careful," she said . "
While some singles are dating at the convention, most of the participants are married couples with conservative manners.
Most ages range from 30 to 50.
The married prodigal said that the prodigal could not save the bad marriage.
Before a couple enters "life", marriage needs to be solid so that both sides can deal with the emotional turmoil and insecurity experienced by the new swing.
"Life" is not a structural freedom-for-all.
Swingers said they spent a lot of time looking for the right partner.
So there's a meeting on the agreement (
"How can Swinger say no? ")and etiquette.
In the more mundane things and things that shouldn't be done at the party: always carry a bag for the night with you;
Be considerate of your master.
The other rules are secret.
"Bisexuals have never been that big," McGinley said . ".
"This can be tolerated. Now (Because of AIDS
This is intolerable.
"McGinley insists that there is no risk of HIV infection in the swing, because they are not drug addicts and they are not bisexuals. (
Intravenous drug users, gay and bisexual men are the two groups with the highest risk of HIV infection. )The newsletter--"Playcouple"--
A case presented by McGinley referred to a doctor in Minnesota who persuaded members of the swing club to undergo an AIDS antibody test.
Of the 156 tested, two women tested positive.
The club is disbanded.
Other clubs follow suit;
McGinley said "all kinds of damage" occurred in the rocking world due to this incident ".
But he noted that women who tested positive admitted to having sex with two bisexual men from San Francisco.
McKinley meant that no one inside the club was responsible for it.
Some women say McKinley underestimated the risks they faced.
A Sacramento woman named Nancy, who has been rocking for eight years, said: "I think we are at risk.
When herpes was a big deal, McKinley played down that too.
Cleveland, Ohio, author Kathy Kennedy reported on the Swing Club in several magazines, and he estimated that only about 40% of the swing had safe sex.
"Don't tell me that some of these people are not bisexual," she said . "
"In this room, any woman who has no protective measures for anal sex is asking for trouble. "A young non-
Swinger said she attended the meeting with her boyfriend just to observe a very different way of life.
She said her name, Sybil.
Sybil said she was angry at the majority of the wobbles she had spoken to who denied the AIDS threat.
She said she attended a group meeting on women and swing and never mentioned the topic of AIDS.
In addition to the serious threat of AIDS, Sybil said, from the wobbling situation she learned at the meeting, it seems to be a way of life that could cause a lot
In an encounter, Swingers said, people were almost entirely judged by the desire of sex.
Women who look like Sybil don't lack attention at parties. Women--and men--
People who are not very amazing may be rejected once or twice.
As Sybil observed, in the straight line world, all the rejections and unhappiness experienced in courtship multiply here because of the number of encounters.
"How many people will be hurt here tonight?
Asked Sybil loudly.