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From a solid gold vibrator to a £1MILLION dildo featuring 2,000 diamonds… these are the most expensive sex toys in the world - most popular sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-10-22
From a solid gold vibrator to a £1MILLION dildo featuring 2,000 diamonds… these are the most expensive sex toys in the world  -  most popular sex toys
Forget your humble rabbit-these are sex toys for rich people and celebrities.
While we can't crack down on trusted porn retailers like Ann Summers and love honey, those who don't have a budget have a big choice in terms of decadent fake penises.
From 1 million Royal pearls, made in solid platinum, with 2,000 diamonds and pearls, to 10,000 24-
Karat gold vibrators-these toys are certainly not for those with a budget.
In the past, it has been revealed that gwynith Paltrow is biased towards gold's 10,000-pound sexual aid, and if these luxurious love toys are worth a visit, she doesn't seem to be alone.
But if you want to buy the royal Peel Hotel, gwinny's favorite toy is a small fry.
Create a brand of Scepter-
It's like a series of sexual aid. of-
Jewelry and devices are everywhere in this world. bucks prices.
Here are some of the most expensive toys in the market.
We have previously shared a job of advertising sex toy reviewers who offer a 28 k salary and offer unlimited holidays to try out these quirky items.
Sex robots look like a customer's dead wife . . . . . . A company insists this is the best way to help them grieve.
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