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Georgia state rep. drafting "Testicular Bill of Rights" in response to heartbeat abortion ban - sex toys for her

by:KISSTOY     2020-09-22
Georgia state rep. drafting \
A representative of Georgia's parliament is drafting a fairly blunt legislation on when women can have an abortion.
It is known as the "testicles bill of rights" and the state representative.
Dashun Kendrick said that her legislative programme was entirely intended to reverse the situation with male opponents seeking to enforce laws on women's reproductive rights.
The move came after a committee in the Georgian House last week approved a legislation banning abortion after the fetal heartbeat was detected, before many women knew they were pregnant.
Georgian women can now seek abortion within 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Medical professionals can usually detect a heartbeat in about six weeks. "HB-481 [
"Heartbeat billing"]
Kendrick told CBS News on Tuesday, "it inspired me to see how some male and male legislators would react if the table was flipped and we started talking about their reproductive rights and organs.
Introduce my legislative plan for the "testicles Bill of Rights.
Do you want some rules about body and choice? Done! pic. twitter. com/5E8HBRSc9l—
Kendrick dare' shun (
@ DarshunKendrick)
On March 11, 2019, Kendrick announced her "bill of rights" on Twitter on Monday ".
It includes, among many men
Focused advice, legislation requiring men to obtain permission for sexual partners before obtaining any prescription for erectile dysfunction drugs, allowing men without condoms to be accused of serious attacks, and momentum 24-
For men who want to buy any porn or sex toys in Georgia, this is an "waiting period" for an hour ".
Jessica Chaston won't be fighting for miscarriage.
The last abortion clinic in Missouri will remain open to rethink American film and television productions
Abortion Law ranks first among 4 in the United StatesS.
Women who choose abortion?
Ken Rick said that her overall goal has been achieved in the context of the current drafting of the bill but has not yet been formally proposed.
"This has started a ridiculous conversation about regulating the body and choice of women, but rather focusing on men and their rights," she said . ".
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