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Georgia Woman Arrested for Hosting "Naked Twister" Sex Party for Teenage Daughter - best anal sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-03-01
Georgia Woman Arrested for Hosting \
A mother of five lost custody of her child after having sex with an 18-year-oldyear-
Grew up at her "nude tornado" party for 16year-old daughter.
Rachel Lehnardt, 35, Georgia, was arrested for hosting a party and charged with two charges that contributed to juvenile crimes, including alcohol and marijuana in addition to X-
According to NBC News, tongue twister was rated as a game.
She allegedly told her anonymous sponsor of her alcohol drinker about the party and reportedly admitted to allowing her daughter to smoke marijuana and drink alcohol at home.
According to the police report obtained by NBC, Lehnardt told her sponsor, in and 18-year-
Before the "Party Continues" in the hot tub, she used sex toys before the party.
According to the report, 18-year-
Old turned out to be her daughter's boyfriend, and she also admitted that she shared photos of her boyfriend having sex with herself with her daughter.
Sean Hammond, a lawyer representing Lehnardt, issued a statement to NBC affiliate WAGT stating that she was "involved in several misconduct due to" recent alcohol abuse.
The statement did not list the specific events, but did say she was "very sorry" for what she did ". "Mrs.
Lehnardt has renewed her commitment to her beliefs and family, "the statement continued.
"She wants her children, members of her faith and others to learn from her bad examples how easy it is for people to exercise such bad judgment when they are drunk.
She was released after being released on bail of $32,000. (E!
Both NBC News and NBC News are part of the NBCUniversal family.
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