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Girlfriend prefers new sex toy to having sex with me - new sex toys for women

by:KISSTOY     2019-07-24
Girlfriend prefers new sex toy to having sex with me  -  new sex toys for women
Dear DEIDRE: I found out that my girlfriend bought herself a sex toy.
I don't have any problems with this, except that she uses it more than she wants to do things with me.
We had some old patches in our sex life before, but this time we had sex last time for three months.
When I was 31 years old, I felt that I should continue to have a positive sex life and look forward to more.
Sometimes she doesn't even want to hug.
I know we can't be together all the time, but I do feel like I need some of her love.
I tried to make her feel special, but it didn't work. For our three-
This year is her wedding anniversary and her 26 th birthday.
But she just wants to read on the sofa at home.
DEIDRE said: if sex toys give your girlfriend more happiness than you, it's time to learn your skills and find out what she really likes.
You can always make the fun of sex toys a satisfying sex life together. Talk to her.
Listen to her opinion on this issue.
Tell her you love her and think you both missed it. My e-
Flyers about women in bed, sex toys and sensory stimulation will help.
Explore what suits her.
She will want more if she likes to have sex.
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