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Good sex? Science serves up the secret - egg sex toy for men

by:KISSTOY     2019-12-27
Good sex? Science serves up the secret  -  egg sex toy for men
Evolution has done something strange to humans in the name of a continuation species.
It allows us to experience emotional pain and spend a lot of time, energy and money chasing future partners like fools.
Even Mr. . or Ms.
Correct did not end the wrong comedy.
Sharon Moalem, a Canadian pathologist who specializes in neurogenetics and evolutionary medicine, is now practicing in New York and has found the cause of all human sexuality.
In fact, the title can also be "why sex works" rather than "how it works ".
"After all, if you write down what men and women do for the benefit of visitors to another planet, the first question for aliens is likely to be:" Why?
"You want to know what is the magic ingredient of a good sex life?
"Understand," Moalem wrote. His goal (
Sharon is a man's name in this case)
Is to lead the reader to understand the current research situation on sex and many aspects of it: why many women report that the enjoyment of orgasm during pregnancy has increased;
Why infants of HIV-infected women are more likely to be born without infection;
How birth control pills work;
Why sperm cells are tiny models of amazing biological efficiency
How important is cranberries? (
Short answer to cranberry: very.
Ask a woman if you don't understand. )
For some people, the start may be a bit slow.
Moalem did not release the latest news.
Instead, he went through an academic training camp: laying the foundation and breaking the reader's two-chapter misconceptions about human sex machines (
Chapter 1 for Women, Chapter 1 for men).
In particular, how the machine works, sometimes a fault occurs and even a fault occurs.
It's not all interesting.
Very well, you have an authoritative lecture on how the body parts are formed, mature and working.
You may be forgiven for the nitrogen oxide as a blood vessel expansion agent to change blood flow in moments of passion and thinking: is it?
A book about physiology?
Fortunately, it's more.
Sex is perhaps the oldest concern of human beings, but there have been a lot of discoveries in modern times.
Those who are willing to give Moalem time to warm the subject are taking some inspiration.
Much of it involves the mysterious subconscious features that humans have evolved to convince us to breed. For example:-
Women perform differently during ovulation.
In a psychology experiment, volunteers were asked to browse photos of women and determine who of them worked best to make themselves look attractive.
The face on the photo was painted;
All they have to do is dress, jewelry and body language.
But the volunteers-
Men and women. -
It was agreed that the woman trying to look attractive was the woman who actually had been ovulating when the photo was taken.
Oh, women are more likely to cheat their partners when ovulating.
"It's almost like a woman looking for a partner when she ovulates, (looking)
For a partner who is not there, "concluded Moalem.
Why do we know this?
He believes that understanding how evolution affects our brains and bodies.
"It may not be entirely up to you what you want.
But what you do is. "-
Odor is a research area in the sex industry.
Scientists ask volunteers to sniff clothes worn by men or women, whether gay or straight, and say what smells they find attractive.
I skipped this approach, but the fact that comes out of this is that men or women who are attractive to us tend to be people whose genes are different from ours.
This is very important for our health.
A small number of people who mix the same genes repeatedly develop pools of genes that lack robustness.
Shuffling is essential for human beings.
This may be the main purpose of sex.
It turns out that we tend not to like the smell of people like our own genes.
Our nose waved the red flag and said: go away for the health of your child;
Especially for their immune system.
Exception: Your family generally doesn't make you sick.
They can even smell peace of mind, pleasure and safety.
But they are not attractive in terms of sex. -
Although few, the penis can be broken.
Broken penis, called.
It seems easy to diagnose: "There may be a lot of rupture or crackles, and severe pain.
"When a person tries to get excited with an open vacuum cleaner, the doctor comes across his first case, which is not a metaphor.
There was a problem with urinating afterwards, not to mention excitement. -
The climax of women seems to be more related to the mind than the body.
Researchers say this is not just an automatic physical response to sexual stimulation.
This is emotionally related to the woman's feelings for her partner and her body. -
Some forms of attraction transcend all cultural barriers.
Surprisingly: the more symmetrical a face is, the more people are attracted.
This makes evolutionary sense, as symmetry of the face is often associated with health, and choosing a healthy partner is good for the survival of the species. -
What is shocking is that women can have brothers and sisters (non-identical)
Twins of different fathers
A woman releases two egg cells at the same time and has sex with two men, and it can be found that the two eggs are fertilized by different men.
Genetically speaking, only half of these childrensiblings.
"One document indicates that one of the 400 pairs of siblings born by white American married women may actually have different fathers," he noted . ". -
Other topics: remote identification technology allows people to manipulate sexual toys of distant partners through the Internet.
Women also ejaculate.
Lice are rare in Brazil.
Fashion way of waxing.
There is a reason why women like dark men: they don't like the damage of ultraviolet rays to sperm. Breast-
Feeding can control fertility but at risk.
One out of every five American high school girls doesn't know how HIV spreads.
Moalem is used to writing for a regular audience, so don't let that doctor stop you.
The tone here is serious, but very simple. to-
Although the content is strictly academic, the Earth is conversational as an excellent family doctor.
Moalem is used to writing for ordinary media and appears on TV. It shows;
He is not rash, but highly readable.
This is still a book that sometimes makes us uncomfortable.
Sex is not a simple world, and politics is not the only area where you can see strange dreams.
However, most of us have little chance to learn this knowledge.
If we think we know the latest details of sexually transmitted infections, sex hormones, hormones, subconscious desires and choices, then we are most likely wrong.
In view of this, it may be time for further courses.
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