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green up your sex life: 10 tips - vibrator sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2019-06-30
green up your sex life: 10 tips  -  vibrator sex toys
Toys are a big business--
Global sales grew by $15 billion a year.
But this is a big secret: the safety of sex toys is not regulated.
Most toys are made of unsafe materials such as PVC (PVC)
Is considered toxic, and as oil-
It may be related to reproductive problems and certain cancers.
Don't be turned off by toxins.
Instead, choose a medical toy
High grade silicone or natural materials such as glass and stainless steel.
Trade batteries for a rechargeable type, or if you want to raise your bet, try a new neighboring benzene-free, solar-
The electric vibrator on the market, when fully charged, lasts about two hours.
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