Gurugram among top Indian cities to buy and gift adult toys | Gurgaon News - Times of India - adult toys for men

Sex is no longer a taboo for Indians. intimacy is very important.
A survey conducted by an online portal selling adult products shows that more urban residents want to experiment during the act.
The portal, which sells sexual health products, studied more than 6 million visitors, more than 80,000 orders and about 8,700 customer interactions.
According to the study by ThatsPersonal.
Mumbai is still the largest city in Delhi for the sale of adult toys.
However, the capital areas, including Delhi, guluglam and Noida, together surpassed Mumbai in terms of sales.
NCR sales are 9 percentage points higher than Mumbai, and traffic is 13 percentage points higher than Mumbai.
Other popular cities are Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Pune and Ahmadinejad.
It is worth noting that guluglam is the big buyer of adult games after Ahmadinejad.
In Noida, men are the biggest buyers of penis enlargement products.
Out of all naughty gift orders, it's about guluglam.
Millennium City also accounts for 2% of total website revenue and 1% of total traffic.
In addition, sales in second-tier cities increased by 25%, with major cities being Noida, Lucknow, Jaipur, guluk and Chandigarh.
Cities such as Baroda, Pune and trudwannatapam have more women than men pursuing adult products.
The survey also showed that people between 25 and 34 years of age constitute the largest repeat user of the highest transaction volume.
On the other hand, the younger generation between the ages of 18 and 24 chose themselves
Accept their orders and be responsible for the highest social media engagement.
Interestingly, sales in February hit the highest level in a year due to Valentine's Day.
Instead, March records the lowest month of sales, probably due to the high purchase volume during the exam season or the previous months.
It is estimated that India's adult toy market will reach Rs 10,000 by 2020.
Gained interesting knowledge from our data mining and analysis, and we thought it would be interesting to share that knowledge with our Indians.
CEO Samir Saraiya said: "We found the market to grow rapidly as the couple have got rid of the shackles and are willing to try new productsThatsPersonal. com.
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