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Gwyneth Paltrow advises fans to watch porn, use sex toys and get better orgasms via Goop - anal sex toys for guys

by:KISSTOY     2019-11-25
Gwyneth Paltrow advises fans to watch porn, use sex toys and get better orgasms via Goop  -  anal sex toys for guys
Gwynys Paltrow and Chris Martin formally divorced, provided the actress asked the judge to continue the divorce without her consent.
Chris never finished the paperwork.
Gwynith Paltrow released the second annual issue of Goop.
Image source: the lifestyle blog Goop of Getty ImagesGWYNETH Paltrow posted the second issue of the annual issue, not disappointing.
The Sun reports that lengthy suggested posts cover everything like anal sex, using sex toys and how to get a better orgasm. A question-and-
Answer with author Paul Joannides
Focus on anal sex
Got the most attention.
Gwyneth Paltrow's website Goop has posted some pretty intimate advice on getting the best from the bedroom.
Image: Frederick M.
The article wrote: "First, it's shocking, and then it has a cultural moment, and now it's almost standard in modern bedroom plays --
From porn to HBO, a quick scan of any media will tell you.
"But in fact, not everyone is doing the reality about the anus. […]
If anal sex gets you excited, you're definitely not alone.
As for talking about this topic with your child, Joannides said: "We will not tell them about the clit, the climax of the woman, masturbation, the importance of exploring the partner's body and learning from each other.
We won't tell them that most of what they see in porn is untrue, and we won't talk to them about the importance of mutual consent.
So I don't think anal sex is at the top of the list that most parents "should talk to our kids.
There are more important things we should discuss first.
Grace Paltrow and her ex-boyfriend
Mr. Chris Martin.
Image: J/P Kevin Mazur/Getty Images From Haiti Relief Organization Source: Getty Images except 44-year-
The newsletter is a good sex guide for old patlow, encouraging individuals to watch porn with their partners and to learn what excites them.
A convenient review of sex toys also featured on this issue --
Include a few favorites that have been monitored on some gift guides before Goop.
In addition to this, there are some sexy underwear and about 50 kinds of gray.
Inspiration binding suit
Classic Paltrow style with a bank-busting item —
A $2500 photography book filled with soft erotic images is perfect for coffee tables . . . . . . After Gwyneth Paltrow launched her website Goop in 2008, it has
Image: InstagramSource: InstagramGoop had a meal with their subscribers for the first special question, including the $20,000 gold dildo.
It also made suggestions on increasing sexual desire and warned Kegel [exercises]
"It's important at all stages of life ".
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