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Halifax sex shop and bookstore celebrates 'brave' customers as it turns 20 - new sex toys for women

by:KISSTOY     2019-07-21
Halifax sex shop and bookstore celebrates \'brave\' customers as it turns 20  -  new sex toys for women
Shelley Taylor knows very well what kind of harm people will bring when they don't have enough information.
As an 80-year-old Nova Scotia teenager, it is difficult for her to learn that she is infected with sexually transmitted infections and instead read books to learn more.
She soon found out that she was the most popular.
For the sex of friends-Related query.
Some people hide their HIV status.
Others cover up their sexual orientation from family and friends.
"I grew up in this mindset, frame of reference, and was both fascinated and afraid of sexual contact," she said . ".
"Shame and shame really increase when we don't talk about things.
So I'm here to normalize things.
"Taylor wants to create a space where people can talk freely and learn about what they whisper, and if they mention it, Taylor opens Venus jealousy in Halifax on 1998.
Centered on books, toys and information, Barrington Street business celebrated its 20 th anniversary this weekend as the company sells body products and a range of sex toys as well as books on health, gender and relationships.
Transgender authors gave Halifax a second chance after the death threat. The compromise is that it will also be a bookstore --
Given her concern about health information, this has always been part of the plan.
Marshall Heywood, the current owner, said that Venus Envy was initially a space for "women and those who love them" and that its feminist focus has grown to include even more bizarre views. Welcoming, non-
Its goal has remained the same for many years: its goal is to welcome, not to welcome
He said judging and attracting a range of people, especially those who "may not be comfortable shopping in more traditional sex stores. TheLGBTQ-
Reading, seminars and community events are often held in Friendlyspace.
Sexual consent is a bigger focus in recent years, Taylor said, and when Venus's jealousy begins, teachers share their fear that they will lose their jobs if they are open to their sexual behavior.
Now, she says it is common to see educators who are happy to look for teaching resources.
"Great progress has been made in the acceptance and support and affirmation of queer and transgender students, as well as teachers and families who want them," she said . ".
Haywood said that due to the active participation of employees and the desire to answer questions, there is enough courage for people to continue to come back, which makes shops relevant in the era of free online shopping.
"No matter how much sex we see in the media, on the web, or on porn sites, sex is still an unsafe and vulnerable site for all of us," he said . ".
"In the real world, it's still very important to be able to have a space where you can talk to someone, ask questions, get resources, find products. "The vulva of a pearl?
This is a way to open up discussions about sexual health.
StartupHe of Nortel engineers said it was still satisfying to see someone come in and buy lubricating oil and leave with a bunch of books.
"Year after year, people have enough courage to continue to come back, and people have enough courage to investigate their lives in this public forum, which always surprises me.
"I think this is a very important aspect of Halifax," Taylor said . " She set out from her home in Ottawa for the anniversary.
The store will celebrate Saturday at the art bar, offering cakes, coffee, prizes and discounts to customers and apartments.
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