Helping Women Shop for Adult Toys Without Surfing Porn - adult female sex toys

Two years ago, when the argument about which side of the porch we should hang the wind socks escalated to 4-
An hour discussion about "I was angry when my husband and I stumbled upon a deeper problem"
The fundamental problem of our marriage
We found that we were not satisfied with our sex life.
He is not satisfied with the frequency or frequency and I am not satisfied with the quality.
I didn't feel connected to him when I was having sex and didn't have any passion.
We agree that everyone makes a different list, which we personally think will improve our sex life and set a date the next night to share our list with each other.
By the time we shared our list, we sat on the couch, drank a glass of wine and read our improvement strategy one by one.
You can imagine my shock and fear when he got to the third place on the list, and he said, "I want to buy some adult toys for you.
My mind said, "What! ?
Do you want me to buy dildos? are you crazy? ?
"But my mouth said," I'll do some research and see what I can come up.
"So, I went online the next day and it was impossible for me to walk into the local porn store and take a vibrator and some lubricating oil at the counter and smile and say" please charge ".
I opened my favorite search engine and entered "small, clean, gentle adult toy for a woman" with the first web link on the list saying "I like my
That day's research was enough.
But the next day I went again and this time I was determined to find a website for adult toys that I felt I could shop on instead of attacking me with a bunch of pop music
Ups ad network cam girl or category list which includes docking product or cock ring I don't have a picture of their product on my face.
This has been going on for a few days and I will search the internet for adult toys and try not to feel like I am doing something wrong, every time the phone rings or the mailman comes I will immediately minimize my browser window, because I was worried that someone would see what I was looking at and think I was a pervert.
Of course, if I try to close the window, I will pop up millions of other windows to advertise one kind or another of porn.
A few weeks passed and I was almost about to give up and one night my husband and I were lying in bed and he was embarrassed to ask, "How is your adult toy research going?
"Oh, I see-carming-you're cute.
Then I suddenly thought that I answered my husband's question confidently, "Baby, I will open an online adult toy store for women like me, who want to add spice to their sex life, women who feel sexy and powerful without having to buy a product from an adult toy website are clearly designed with men.
That's what I did.
At Avalon in bloom you will find a sexy romantic design with no pop music
Ups and product images with click View option.
If the kids walk into the room, you can open the browser without worrying that they may see something you don't want to see, and you will never find vivid language in the product category.
This website is designed for women, mothers, sisters, aunts and nieces.
We are powerful and emotional creatures, and Bloom In Bloom is our website.