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Hentai popular amongst Malaysian porn buffs - most popular sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-10-22
Hentai popular amongst Malaysian porn buffs  -  most popular sex toys
Petaling jaya: "Hentai", or the publicly sexy subgenre of Japanese anime and manga, is the eighth most popular porn search item in the world in 2016, it is also the annual report of Malaysians according to the pornographic website Pornhub.
Although the report did not go deep into Malaysia, the "heat map" (graphic representation of the data) shows that hentai is very popular among porn lovers in Malaysia.
Reported that Hentai ranked fourth
The most searched population is between the ages of 18 and 24.
The most popular search items worldwide are "lesbian", followed by "step mom" and "MILF ".
According to a report released last Thursday, "lesbian" was "more popular in North America and Australia than elsewhere" in 2016 ".
The report shows that an average of about 26% of tourists worldwide are women.
According to another heat map, the temperature in Malaysia is low. than-
Average share here
Hentai performed well in Asia, especially in China, the Philippines, Thailand and Japan.
Virtual reality in Asia (VR)
Porn is also very popular, and "360 VR", "360 degrees", "VR Hentai" and "shemale VR" are very popular in China, Thailand and Hong Kong
Globally, porn surfers are most active between ten o'clock P. M. and one o'clock A. M. , and office hours from three o'clock P. M. to five o'clock P. M. are the second
The most active time period for online pornography.
The Pornhub website has the most traffic from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and India.
Japan ranks in the top five, rising seven from the 12 th position;
And the Philippines, the only South.
The top 20 East Asian countries jumped 2 to 14.
In terms of "staying power", Filipino surfers spend the most time on the site, averaging 12 times.
45 minutes, followed by South Africa (10:45 minutes)
And the United States (10:15 minutes).
Pornhub also reported that during 92 billion visits to the site, nearly 23 billion videos were viewed, most of them millennials, who accounted for 60% of the audience.
Elderly people aged 65 and over account for the smallest proportion of visitors to the site, at 4%.
There are more female tourists from the southern hemisphere, and the most popular search term is "lesbian ".
"In the past two years, the Philippines, which has the largest share of female audiences, has been replaced by Brazil, becoming the first.
The most popular "Porn Star" reality show star in 2015, Kim Kardashian, was in the first and second places, respectively, the porn queen Lisa Ann and Lebanon.
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