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HIV transmission among men who have sex with men through oral sex - anal sex toys for men

by:KISSTOY     2019-09-28
HIV transmission among men who have sex with men through oral sex  -  anal sex toys for men
Although men who have sex with men are at risk of spreading through oral sex (MSM)
Low, there are still differences between the results of the study, and the exact degree of risk is also uncertain.
1 from July 2001 to September 2003, in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, a total of 4150 men who had sex with men were newly diagnosed with HIV and reported to the London infectious disease monitoring center.
The 1359 reports received during this period included the question: "Does the patient think he was infected with the virus through oral sex?
"The remaining 2791 cases were only reported by the laboratory or by an early clinician, and no questions were asked about the issue. oas_tag. loadAd("Middle1");
688 answered the oral sex question (50. 6%)
Of the 1359 cases, 625 (90. 8%)
The answer is no, yes 63 (9. 2%)cases.
For 671 cases, this information is not recorded even if the problem is included in the table.
Through discussions with clinicians or healthcare providers, all 63 patients considered themselves infected with HIV through oral sex.
From these further discussions during the follow-up, 27 (42. 8%)
The case is believed to be due to unprotected anal infection.
Of the remaining 36 cases, 16 (2. 3%)
Claiming that only oral sex is their risk of HIV infection, there are 20 people (2. 9%)
Cases are always reported with anal sex protected but oral sex is not protected.
In discussing possible HIV risks with clinicians or healthcare providers, previous negative test histories and partner HIV status were taken into account.
The risk of oral sex is difficult to quantify, which may be an obstacle to accuracy1-3;
None of these people have been renewed.
In an interview with the study, the risk was assessed only by clinicians and note-taking reviews.
There may be recall difficulties with the use of condoms, including whether they have been used, or if they have been used, falling off or cracked, or short anal --
Penis contact considered irrelevant or not remembered.
In addition, there is limited information on whether ejaculation occurs or oral mucosal rupture.
However, 16 cases reported no anal sex, and 20 cases reported protection only for anal sex and unprotected oral sex.
This represents a total of 5.
2% of men who had sex with men reported answers to the questions.
We know that half of the people did not answer the question, and if we classify these reports as not infected by oral sex then 2. 6% (36 of 1359)
Probably through this route.
These UK monitoring data show that the risk of oral sex is small, but it is real.
Rosenberg RB, Scarlett M, Del Rio C, etc.
Oral transmission of HIVAIDS1998; 12:2095–105.
Openurlcrosspubmedweb by scientific experts J, Grulich A, Ellard J and others.
Transmission of HIV among gay men through oral sex and other unusual pathways: Sydney HIV sero conversion case series. AIDS2003; 17:2269–71.
Scientific openurlcross pubpubpubmedweb robinson EK, Evans BG.
Oral sex and HIV transmissionAIDS1999; 13:737–8.
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