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How many types of orgasm can women really have? - types of vibrators

by:KISSTOY     2020-02-01
How many types of orgasm can women really have?  -  types of vibrators
For the past century, the elusive female orgasm has been the subject of many scientific debates.
Some researchers believe that women can achieve two types of orgasms through external vaginal stimulation and vaginal penetration, while others believe that both orgasms are different through female anatomy.
In order to resolve the dispute once and for all, a recent study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine resolved the problem
The ancient mystery of science reveals two types of female orgasm . . . . . .
Two French gynecologists performed an ultrasound scan of three "healthy volunteers" to measure changes in their blood flow patterns to interpret how their sexual organs move in different types of sex
These women were asked to self-evoke by hand
Stimulate external pubic and vaginal penetration with wet cotton strips.
For example, both tests measured changes in blood flow patterns in the region to determine how the clit and vaginal complex responded.
The results of the study found that there was a "functional difference" in orgasm according to the type of sexual contact ".
Specifically, the researchers found that only the top of the clit responded to external stimuli, while during vaginal penetration, the "root" of the clit and the entire clit and vaginal complex responded.
This affects the flow of blood and therefore creates a different feeling in the body.
The study concluded: "Although there is a common assumption that there is only one type of female orgasm, we can infer from our findings that, different reporting perceptions from both stimuli can be explained with different parts of the clit (external and internal) and the clit-vaginal complex involved in the clit nervous system.
In other words, asjezebelbel explained that both types of orgasms are climaxes, but the reaction sites of climaxes vary depending on the type of stimulation.
Such a discovery
Two articles by Freud
In 1905, he proposed the concept of orgasm, believing that women experienced both climaxes and Vaginal Climaxes.
Only Freud's somewhat distorted theory suggests that the clit orgasm is a childish prelude to the "mature" vaginal response.
This theory was certainly refuted by the doctor.
In his study, it was shown that the vast majority of women do not have vaginal orgasm at all, only the clit, believing that adherence to vaginal orgasm is male-dominated performance and cannot be used as the only criterion for determining female sexual satisfaction.
Similarly, feminist Anna Koedt responded to Kinsey's view in her immortal book, The Myth of vaginal orgasm, in the 1970 s, that the vagina was not a center of happiness, therefore, the "attribute" is based on the cold vaginal orgasm that has not been achieved, which is only a construction of male and female inferiority . . . . . . A woman's pleasant position in the vagina, not in the clit, is an expression of the way sex is organized, entirely for men.
"Further research on female sexuality over the years has proved controversial.
Famous sexuals and johnsoncoped attacked women for psychological reasons such as anxiety, communication and low self-awareness
Respect for women not being able to reach orgasm through sexual intercourse.
Their findings were criticized because the volunteers used in the study were sex workers and they could say that they had more sexual experience and confidence than the average Jane Doe. Fast-
Until today, the study concluded that only three women were able to achieve orgasm through sexual intercourse.
In fact, a study last month claimed that there was actually no "G-
Point ", there is only one" C-
It is found that when it comes to climaxes, size is really important.
Women with difficulties in reaching orgasm seem to have a smaller clit located further away from the vagina, this suggests that the size and location of the clit is as important in assessing female sexual function as psychological and "psychosocial issues.
Interestingly, the study found that sexual posture also plays a role in orgasm.
Research researcher, PhD
Susan Oakley explained that those who were unable to reach orgasm due to sexual intercourse preferred the position of missionary, while women who were able to reach orgasm through sexual intercourse preferred to stand at the top.
This certainly supports the latest premise that the clit is responsible for the climax.
Nevertheless, due to the lack of scientific consensus and the fact that each woman's physical condition varies from woman to woman, it is difficult to know which study to believe in.
If we take the latest finding in France that women can have at least two different types of orgasms as a fact, then there won't be at least three or four orgasms, or fifty different forms of orgasms waiting to be unveiled there are some supporters who believe that women can have up to four types of orgasms, including mixed orgasms and multiple orgasms, and those who dissect at least the female orgasm into 11 different forms of orgasm u-oral orgasm
To give a few examples, find the climax and the jet climax.
Similarly, if we look closely at the latest French study, it will certainly be a little surprising to have a special way of assessing vaginal orgasm, especially when volunteers-only three in total-are strangely asked to penetrate themselves with tampon, it is a less likely sex stimulant.
It seems that the vibrators or more than Dil are more obvious and suitable options and may produce more accurate or completely different results.
At the end of the day, there is clearly no right way to reach the climax.
Whether it's a woman's vaginal orgasm or a clit orgasm, her body will eventually react in exactly the same way: an increase in heart rate proves this, according to the Medical Daily, blood pressure and breathing, plus, the tension in the pelvic part is getting bigger and bigger during orgasm.
From a practical point of view, these similar physical reactions make it difficult for a woman (or her partner) to accurately determine where these sweet feelings come from.
So as science continues to work hard on the sex physiology of women to findsize-fits-
All the "Big O" formulas, maybe it's better to take your boat alone, rather than being attracted to what or what conflict is foreshadowed by your elusive climax, on this issue, suspicious scientific research has to say.
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