How to Buy the Best Home Pressure Washer for the Best Price - where to buy vibrating ring
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Home high pressure cleaners are perfect time-saving tools for cleaning decks, bicycles, cars and many outdoor equipment.
In addition, they are very useful for maintaining the appearance of the residence and courtyard and for curbing the appeal.
The household high pressure cleaning machine is essentially an electric pump that sprays water at a very high speed.
The pressure generated is at least 30 times that of the normal garden hose, so cleaning is faster and easier.
In addition, many stubborn stains that cannot be removed by standard methods can easily be washed off with a home high pressure washer.
High-end machines can also be used to peel off paint and clean aluminum siding.
The pressure washer is measured by how many pounds per square inch (psi)
And gallons per minute (gpm)
It can produce water.
The higher the Psi value, the harder the stain that can be removed.
The number of psi you need depends on the task: 1,000 to 1,500 PSI is good for most cleaning work (
Cars, lawn furniture, bicycles, etc. )
1,500 to 2,000 PSI is conducive to cleaning the deck, patios2, 000 to 3,000 PSI can clean the aluminum side, and 3,000 to 4,000 PSI can peel off paint or remove stains from concrete the faster the task is completed.
For example, a 1750 PSI pressure washer with 1.
The small deck can be cleaned by 6 gpm.
But if you have a very large terrace, you may want a 2 plus gpm machine unless you want to spend the whole day cleaning it.
To get a clean unit value, many manufacturers add these two numbers together.
Electric or gas motors power gas or electric pressure cleaners.
The gas motor-driven home pressure washer can play more psi and wash more gpm than its electrical meter brothers.
However, they require more maintenance such as frequent oil change, replacement of spark plug and fuel additives with long service life.
On the other hand, the motor only needs good cleaning after each use and is often cheaper.
However, electric motors tend to burn out faster than gasoline.
It comes down to personal preferences and use.
If you plan to use a home high pressure washer frequently and can put in time and money to maintain it, a gas powered machine may be for you.
However, if you only need cleaning agents that are used occasionally and do not require very high power, consider using an electric motor.
Features to look for when purchasing a home pressure washer: make a decision between a hot or cold water pressure washer.
Cleaner using hot water can clean more stains and better use for sanitary purposes.
However, the hot water cleaning machine is much more expensive than the chiller.
Plug in and twist the lock to secure the hose in place for easy leakage of the bayonet connection. O-
Ring connections tend to last longer and do not leak frequently.
The pressure washer is equipped with a fixed adjustable nozzle wand.
The adjustable tip helps to quickly switch the spray angle, which helps to adjust the pressure of the sprayer.
A lot of people find this convenient, but the adjustable nozzle will wear out faster, and there is no diversity provided by the nozzle with a fixed angle.
If the high pressure washer you are considering does not have a good wand/nozzle set, there are many professional wands and nozzles to choose from.
Some pressure washers allow you to adjust the psi level.
Unfortunately, this feature is only found in more expensive models, but it may be useful to reduce psi when cleaning delicate paint work like your car. Look for air-
Tires will be filled if you plan to move your home high pressure washer frequently.
Heavy-duty machines can weigh more than 100 and it can be difficult to move them around the house without good tires.
Inflatable tires can also prevent vibration and movement of the machine during use.
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