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How to Find the Female G-Spot and what to do with it... - discount sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-08-15
How to Find the Female G-Spot and what to do with it...  -  discount sex toys
Looking for a female G-
Spot is easy, but it's almost impossible for you to implement it yourself.
Unless you are a soft artist or have long fingers.
Believe me, I have tried to reach it myself, no matter what I try, and no matter what crazy situation I am in, I can't reach it. . .
Looking for a female G-
Spot is easy, but it's almost impossible for you to implement it yourself.
Unless you are a soft artist or have long fingers.
Believe me, I have tried to reach it myself, no matter what I try, and no matter what crazy situation I am in, I can't reach it.
This is where one person comes in handy (
Well, they have to have their use)
If you want, or your female partner.
I found that the most effective way for myself was to kneel on the sofa (
Or a bed can work)
My knees are together, bent over, my head and shoulders are on the couch (
Usually bite the mat at the end of the mat)
So that my ass is lifted high and the vagina is exposed well, then I have my partner insert his finger and continue to find my G-Spot (
It doesn't matter where I tell him).
Bending down works for me, and I 've read that it's really good to stand up, but standing up doesn't work for me personally.
Okay, how to find it? . .
Ask your partner to insert his or her fingers into your vagina so that if they press on the vaginal wall, their fingertips will squeeze into your pussy, press in your public area, feel around, about an inch
2 inch deep, your partner will feel a sponge area with a slight manipulation texture.
This is female G-
Where all magic happens (believe me)
You will want them to play it once they find it (
To be honest, you really have
The few things that work best for me are. . .
Well, that's what I did to female G-
I don't think there's anything more important than that, but hopefully someone will find it helpful because once you find your G-
It is really worth finding something that is useful to you personally.
If you don't have a partner or just want to play by yourself for a while, there are some spice toys out there that can be used to find your G-
Places like theBens Gspot smooth, which can make things easier when you're on your own.
Hope to help you.
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