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How to Talk About Sex with a Preteen - anal sex products

by:KISSTOY     2020-04-15
How to Talk About Sex with a Preteen  -  anal sex products
When I was in high school, I was in my mother's
Profit, smart, smart youth.
Today, smart youth have the same mission as we started;
Provide a judgment-
Teenagers and teenagers can come together and share their experiences, learn about safe sex, their body, their health and how to be advocates, and feel empowered in doing so.
I can understand that it is a terrible topic for parents and their children, but trust me ---
If you don't talk to your child about it, the problem won't go away.
They will seek answers elsewhere. -
It may not always be in a positive place.
As a parent, it is your responsibility to protect your child ---
This includes providing them with the information they need to protect themselves.
When you finally decide to sit down and talk to your teen, try to make the conversation as comfortable as possible.
Maybe you decide when you eat, or when you play card games, or anything that will keep you and your son or daughter on top of each other at all times.
Don't set up a situation where you sit across the street and your child feels in trouble.
This will only make the whole conversation uncomfortable and awkward.
Take a breath. Be natural.
If you are anxious, you will make your child anxious. -
Or they think you're annoying.
You know what kids of that age are like, sheesh). Be cool! . . .
I mean, it's normal.
Don't try to instill your conversation in teen-age jargon.
After that, your child will not take you seriously.
Respect your son or daughter, not your "little baby", at this moment ".
"It may be difficult, but if you want them to listen to you and take you seriously, you have to take them seriously.
You may not have seen them mature adults yet. -
But your kids think they 've grown up since they were 5. years-old. Believe me.
When you were a teenager, he/she was already an adult. -
And anyone older. . . is just OLD.
The idea may sound crazy or even ridiculous to you, but to communicate with your children, you really have to look at life through their eyes.
In addition to treating your teenagers like adults, you should respect them and give them a chance to talk.
This should not be one-
Dialogue between the two sides
You can learn as much from your children as they learn from you. Some things. . .
You may not really want to learn, but it is necessary to really discuss this topic.
Your son or daughter may not have realized that they have this freedom to speak.
Don't be embarrassed about what may happen.
Different postures, masturbation, and a variety of topics may arise.
Prepare for this and try to open your heart --
Want to discuss everything.
The more mature the more open-
In conversation, you will feel more comfortable talking to you.
Don't lose your temper, your son or daughter may confess to you something you absolutely disagree.
It is important that their honesty and openness be understood, not hostile.
If you want to succeed, you must provide a safe space for your youth.
You can let them know you don't agree.
But explain to them why you don't agree so they can understand your concerns.
If you punish your child for something they acknowledge to you in the conversation, they may feel that you cheated them to speak.
This will lead to tension and distrust between you, which is really the last thing you need before your teens and teens.
It's as if your child needs another reason to think you're the worst!
Your kids don't think of you as someone they can ask for help. -
They will do everything they can to avoid you.
Putting condoms in a medicine cabinet won't encourage your teens to have sex, but it won't give them an excuse not to be protected if they decide to have sex!
It's never a bad idea to allow your son or daughter to be protected.
If they do teen moms and teen moms on MTV, the strategy of intimidation doesn't work.
Work is the truth.
In any case, show your child a picture of the genitals troubled by herpes to make sure they notice it, but tell them the truth.
Don't tell them that their garbage will fall off if they make love, or they will die, or they will be cursed forever ---
Because it's not true.
The problem with intimidation tactics is that they may work for a while but will eventually disappear.
The idea of sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancy begins to fall into the same category as the boogie or the monsters in the closet.
Of course, your kids know they exist, but it's impossible for them to happen!
Especially if their friends are doing it and nothing happens to them. Facts!
List sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted diseases, what causes them, how they affect the body, how they are treated, whether they can be cured, and a person with an active personality, the possibility of not having safe sex can be obtained from them.
Share other facts, such as the fact that a condom does not completely prevent herpes because it is transmitted through the skinto-
Skin contact, cervical cancer may develop from unprotected sex because of HPV, or she will become pregnant even if the female anal sex is unprotected.
Do your research!
You don't need ghost stories to make your child understand how serious sex is.
You won't be there when your son or daughter decides to have sex, but your lesson will.
Hopefully, by sharing the facts, your teen will realize that there is a lot of risk and responsibility for having sex.
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