Hundreds of sex toys dangling from power lines in Portland, Oregon - large sex toys
PORTLAND, Ore. (Reuters)-
In recent days, hundreds of masculine toys have been hung up on wires in Portland, Oregon, sparking laughter, blushing and plenty of photos.
Lisa Ledi, a department spokesman, said on Monday that the white and bright orange penis appeared to be arranged in pairs and prompted many reports to be submitted to the Portland community engagement office.
A spokesman for Portland General Electric said he did not think rubber products would cause a fire.
On the web forum, Portlanders posted some photos of dildos swaying in the wind above the main commercial street and speculated about their origins.
Portland resident Lucila Cejas Epple said she first met the flowers at a nearby street fair last weekend.
"You can find them at several intersections and you can see the various reactions of them," she said . ".
"Some people blush, some laugh, and most take pictures.