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'Hysteria' sex toys stir crowds at Toronto film fest - vibrator sex toy

by:KISSTOY     2019-11-11
\'Hysteria\' sex toys stir crowds at Toronto film fest  -  vibrator sex toy
TORONTO (Reuters)-
It is understatement to say that Toronto is "hysterical.
Based on the true story of the first electronic vibrator invention of the 1880 s, the film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on Thursday, but even before the curtain rose, the film's stars and directors made reporters laugh at the press conference.
Maggie Gillenhaal, who plays one of the key roles, said one of the best perks of the job was all the unsolicited "gifts" she received while filming in London ".
"When I finished the film, I had been sent 15 vibrators by different people in London with the vibrators store on them," said Gyllenhaal . ".
"It was a surprise.
"This is happening throughout my career," joked Hugh Dansey, the film's star, who heard the laughter of the media gathered together.
Joking aside, Gyllenhaal said the film provides a serious opportunity to eliminate some of the taboos behind women's sexuality.
"It's about the high tide of vibrators and women, and I don't think people really talk about it, and I do think it still makes us blush and feel uncomfortable," Gillenhaal said.
In fact, director Tanya Wexler starred in her first film in 10 years at the Toronto Film Festival, and it is clear that from the first day of the film, I wanted to get rid of this sneer.
"I gave everyone, actors and staff a small bullet vibrator when we started," she told reporters, and then added a little joke of her own.
"It's too expensive!
In hysteria, Dansey plays a young doctor, Mortimer Granville, who has modern ideas and finds himself the most "hysterical" with London women
All diagnosis from insomnia to swelling.
At the clinic, Granville is treating the disease with a special therapy that includes manual massage.
Through this stimulation, women can achieve "hysterical attacks", that is, what is now called orgasm, and can be cured for the time being.
But the massage technique proved to be bad for Granville, and his work caused hand cramps, which inspired him to invent an electronic way to stimulate.
"The most outrageous thing about this movie. . .
This is the premise of the film. "Said Dansey.
"In fact, these medical staff are serious --
No irony, no deception.
Diagnose this non-existent situation and do what they are doing manually, not seeing at all that there may be any sex with this.
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