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Ice-T's wife Coco Austin utilizes new sex toy collection - hot new sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2019-12-17
Ice-T\'s wife Coco Austin utilizes new sex toy collection  -  hot new sex toys
T's wife, Coco Austin, is not shy about using her new sex toy collection in the bedroom, revealing that she and the rapper are at 12-
Coco Licious products.
The model and reality TV star seized the opportunity to develop and make their own happy bullets and loot beads, female officials-when she first expressed interest --
The exotic adult Mall in California sent her a box of toys.
She told The Hollywood Reporter, "the next day they sent me a box of their tops --
I tried selling toys.
Ice and I have a lot of homework to do.
Austin insisted that she had become a businesswoman and designer because she was very clear about what women wanted: "I chose color, material, length, width-every detail.
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