In looking at sex among older women, Sheehy reveals little new - toys for women

Random House, page 336, by Gail Shey. , $25.
95 Gail Shey asserted in her new book that sex among women aged 45 and over was a taboo topic before.
But when was it taboo? In the 1950s?
For decades, this topic has not been taboo among the media and the people who talk about these things.
In Sex and experienced woman, she was late, late, in her formulaic speech at the end of the Earth --
The shocking fact is that women aged 45 and over look and feel younger than their mothers and grandmothers at that age.
Sheehy found through a well-crafted website that 60 is the new 40 --
She helped interview hundreds of American women, writing that their sexuality was consistent with how they felt when they were young.
For years, thishas has been the subject of the magazine cover story (as it was in the Parade magazine last month), organizations such as the American Association of retirees, and television talk shows, so, our profound statement to Sheehy "it takes longer for Americans to grow up and longer for deaths" can only be said. . . no kidding.
The author divided her interviewees into five groups: passion, Seekers, weapons of mass destruction (woman married, damn!
Of all women, 40% are passionate, she says.
This means that so far it has been considered "old" and therefore the proportion of non-sex women is high, they are healthier and therefore more sexy and sometimes enter the age of 80 and 90.
She has an interview to prove this.
So women have sex with their husbands, loved ones, lesbian couples, flight coaches ---
Almost everyone except dogs.
According to Sheehy, even unmarried elderly women are having sex, and she finds that there is a continuing gap between public moral values and private sex even in the Bible zone.
Sometimes women even have sex with themselves.
A woman who sells sex toys for women in Sheridan, Ark.
She revealed to Sheehy that she made a very good profit by starting her own company at these "Passion Parties" to run a business worth about $20 million a year.
Sheehy said that as women get more testosterone as they grow older, testosterone increases the sexual desire and satisfaction of women, so they find new happiness.
She calls it the "pilot light lover", which helps some transitional characters rekindle the ability of middle-aged women to love and sex if she loses her husband or partner in the course of her old age. It also helps --
In fact, she thinks it's important. -
Whatever it is, there is passion as long as it is not knitted or needlework;
"Do people really think that we all trade in touch and the pleasure of being touched in exchange for some kind of hobby of using yarn? " she asks.
She even provided medical advice for women over 45 years of age, telling us that as we grow older, we have to stay in shape by eating more nutritious food and exercising.
This is not news, Gail.
"Internet dating is not a godsend for this experienced woman.
"We 've heard about the Internet, and we 've even heard that some people know it that way.
But in a book in 2006, maybe we should go out and buy something for a computer so that we can continue.
Ironically, the best sentence in this "sex book" is not about sex, but about grandparents.
Sheehy said, "grandma and grandpa is a rebirth that relieves the boundaries of our brief existence.
"It is hoped that her respondents will find time for their grandchildren between all the nursing home connections and the climb up between the sheets.