‘Interactive' sex doll breaks down after huge number customers try it out at Austrian electronics fair - butt sex toy

The £ 3,000 sex robot, the star attraction at this month's big Austrian electronics show, has collapsed after a lot of tourists are over-excited.
Sex doll Samantha has been showing off her "skills", including reactions to touch, hugs and groans --
And remember the person she "interacted" with at the Linz art Electronics festival.
However, the creator of Samantha is now forced to send her to repair as the visitor leaves the robot and the body is "seriously injured" and the limbs are broken.
Scrolling down to play video is the latest development in Austria's growing trend, where brothel customers prefer robots instead of having sex with people.
Sergi Santos, developer from Barcelona, Spain, described the way visitors come into contact with robots as "barbaric ".
"People put Samantha's chest, legs and arms on it.
Broke two fingers.
She was dirty.
People may be bad.
Because I don't know technology and don't have to spend money, I treat dolls as barbarians.
Santos said Samantha had to be sent back to Barcelona for repairs and cleaning, but added: "Samantha can stand a lot and she will get through it.
Mr. Santos said Samantha could remember the people she had interacted with in the past, because she communicated according to the way she had been treated by them before.
Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) software, robots react to touch, speak multiple languages and are even thought to be able to learn new things.
Samantha asked "how are you ? " Tourists coming close to the festival.
People can even be seen deep in their eyes or give hugs.
According to a tester, Samantha "moans" and the response to touching breasts, Santos added that she was able to replicate female orgasms at a higher frequency of sex.
Although all the "features" of Samantha are expensive sex toys, she will give 3,700 euros (3,375) to potential buyers ). However, the price tag did not seem to disappoint customers, and Santos, based in Barcelona, said he had sold 15 "samansas ".
According to local news reports, more and more brothels in Austria have rostered sex robots, where prostitution is legal and regulated.
Before that, a sexy doll named Fanny succeeded, and she became the most popular "attraction" of the "kontakthof" brothel in the capital Vienna ".
Psychologist Gerti Kumar says the news that Austrian men prefer dolls to prostitutes shocked her. Senger, co-
The president of the Austrian Association for Sexual Studies (OeGS) called the trend "a true autistic tendency ".