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Investigation Finds Appalling Conditions In ‘Cosmopolitan’ Magazine Male-Pleasure Laboratory - sex toys for guys

by:KISSTOY     2020-08-19
Investigation Finds Appalling Conditions In ‘Cosmopolitan’ Magazine Male-Pleasure Laboratory  -  sex toys for guys
According to law enforcement officials, a raid by the FBI on Thursday revealed the men of Cosmopolitan magazine --
Happy Lab, where many male subjects are said to have suffered for a long time
Abuse of terminology in the hands of female scientists.
After attacking the Cosmo's men driving you crazy Center, agents arrested 16 female researchers, the culmination of a year-long secret investigation into misconduct in the publication
There, officials say, they found dozens of men locked in cages, many of them bleeding from the cracked and sparkling sexy areas that have been poked in the name of science and
FBI spokesman David Protter said: "The male sample was exposed to high levels of sexual tension and was strongly welcomed for several consecutive days in shocking cruel experiments, "describes the state of the Manhattan factory that was set up in 1967 to" find out what makes people come back and seek more.
"We found a group of pale, gaunt and confused people in one room after another.
Some people broke their bones when they were forced to twist to a highly experimental position.
Others seem to be just over-doing.
Their psychological break point.
"We're still not sure how many people are harmed because we think cosmopollitan will often drop test objects once they're under 18 --to-34-year-
Old population, "added Protter.
"In any case, we found some bodies under a pile of old sex toys in the storage room.
Investigators told reporters that they also found a complete lab full of naked, blindfolded men lying in bed in vague handcuffs shivering under thin silk
The FBI said the men were severely malnourished by eating only strawberries and whipped cream, and suffered severe sleep deprivation after being repeatedly driven away all night.
According to the study papers confiscated by the authorities, many subjects experienced freezing injuries after an experiment in which they rubbed ice cubes for several hours, see if they will "go to the place with desire" and when someone else is tightly tied to the chair, the eyelids are forced to open, and was told to respond to a march by a group of women wearing a "sexy summer dress" that would not bankrupt the bank.
"After thousands of experimental applications of massage oil, at least one subject was considered to have skin cancer.
"These people's extreme mental and physical deterioration can't be overemphasized," said Protter . "
"When one of our female investigators walked past their cages in high heels, they trembled, rolled around to the position of the fetus, covered their genitals and began to sob.
Face prosecution
With the reputation of their magazine on the Internet
Scientists at Cosmopolitan rushed to defend their work, arguing that it would not be possible without using human test objects.
"Every article that appears on the Cosmo must have the support of scientific data . "
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