Is the iPad name an iFlop? - plug in vibrator

The world takes you through the continent to investigate the stories that are changing our world.
After the dramatic appearance of Apple's new iPad, we should all talk about its technological advances, not its name.
On the second day of the official release of the new tablet, the blog circle and the TV network are full of interesting name comparisons and deserve analysis.
The word iTampon-
Debate over the fact that the iPad sounds more like a maxipad than a new computer --
The third largest.
Trends were talked about on Twitter on Wednesday.
We want to know what you think.
Do you think the name of the iPad sounds too similar to the female product?
Does this name scare you?
Do you think Apple should change it?
Please leave your comment below.
Any exposure is a good one-the iPad will kill the Kindle, other competitors, and even the printer.
This changes the rules of the game, especially for those in higher education or environmental organizations.
Don't change the name that resonates with the divine woman!
Call it iTab or something because it cries out loud.
First of all, menstruation happens and don't let any adult feel scared.
This is part of the fact of life.
Still, the content of the iPad is really more important than IBM's thinkpad or other deviations in the technology world.
The reason for being so ridiculed is because Apple apparently didn't do the homework, especially with a prominent sketch of mocking Apple on the Fox late night show MadTV.
Due to such obvious neglect when choosing a product name, I am concerned that they have ignored the other improvements needed to make iTab a viable computing resource.
Since Apple refuses to allow flash to operate on such an instrument and cannot do more than one thing at a time, this makes the product essentially a glorified iPod Touch.
The only difference is that now they have increased its volume and weight while increasing the price by 3 times.
This is not a serious device that can replace the laptop needed for a business trip.
Although the name of the iPad is not properly chosen, it reinforces Apple's idea of putting in the least amount of research and development on the device.
The name makes me not want to buy it.
Apple has created any product that does not match the excessive glory of its hype.
I 'd rather buy a decent mini notebook for $499 a day.
It looks like an overgrown iphone.
I hope it's also more difficult than the iphone and drop the iphone to see what happens.
I also can't see this thing survive a long time in my son's backpack.
No-I will save money now, except that the name is a serious mistake.
I think it looks like an oversized Iphone. . .
Or a laptop without a keyboard. . .
Let's call it "touch the top ". . . or flop ? No.
How about Leappad, thinkpad, ideapad, legal pad, gauze pad, lilypad, etc?
I think in the 22 "pad" definitions listed in my dictionary and the hundreds of usages of the word, it's totally lame, except for the menstrual cycle of women, we can't think of anything. . .
The only thing worse than that is that CNN allows it to make headlines. What's next?
Will they throw away the stationery because NASA has a "Laundromat" or because there is a "notepad?
"Foot pad" of Scholl "?
Come on people, take your heart out of the ditch!
Not all things have potential jokes.
Well, like they just left the "Max" in front of them "?
I know this is a branch of the iPod and the name is consistent with their product range, however. . .
I'm late or something better.
Why do most of the comments above come from men?
I am a woman. I think the name is very good.
I agree with Scott.
Guys, get over it!
Not only is this a flop, there is no relatively new technology, there is less ability than the iPhone, and it is not just a name.
As early as 2007, MadTV imitated the iPad. [
Youtube = can't wait to buy an upgrade-iMAXI 2. 0.
No trace and fog.
I saw them trying to get from I-Pod and got I-Pad.
I believe someone raised the same issue with one of their many focus groups, but they took the risk.
I am also an Apple fan myself, but when we first heard the name released yesterday, the boys in the House immediately had the same idea, and then the jokes on the female products began.
I think it's like bust.
I thought they 'd go with me. tablet.
Isn't this the latest craze in the press?
I think they want to stick to their three letters: pod, mac and now pad.
I hate it very much!
I'm so excited about this awesome new product, and then boom, it's the name of the eye pad!
I can't imagine me going to my friend and saying, "Hey guys, I just bought an Ipad!
"They will look at me like I'm crazy!
I would rather buy an Islate than an I pad!
The choice of apple name is poor and I wouldn't be surprised if it hurt sales! Ipad is fine.
Why do people have to create something from nothing.
FFS has left it alone!
If you have one!
Everyone needs to grow up and no longer behave like a grade 7 student.
It's called the IPAD. . . . . . who cares? ?
Then don't buy it, so you can let Apple know who is the boss! ! !
Please find life!
Who cares what the name is
Some people have a lot of time!
The name is a bit strange, otherwise iSlate would be better.
Is AT&T able to handle 3g services? They have complained that there are too many people using the internet for the iphone.
It is interesting to see how to solve this problem.
This seems to be an extended iTouch with some new features (ie iWork)As an e-
The reader will only be a causal relationship. As a touch screen monitor, long reading can have an impact on the eyes.
This ipad is a stupid idea.
Steve believes that he can ride the wind and waves just because of the Apple logo.
Yes, di's hardcore fans will, but it's not an iphone anyway.
No, those people need to stop doing the same thing as a Grade 3rd student. Really! !
The IPod is a name to leave-there is no special relationship with the product.
They can do the same thing on the iPad-maybe they can call it iSquirrel.
Maybe Apple's marketing network belongs to the school of "no bad publicity.
The MadTV Video is hilarious-I probably don't care if I'm one of their marketers.
ITab is the first thing I think. iPad? You kidding?
Bad name but much missing
The task is worse.
A bad name makes it stupid and a bad OS makes it impossible to buy.
About the name-no, it won't be a fatal weakness.
Remember when everyone thought the Wii would fail for the same reason?
Even the iPod was ridiculed.
Give it two years to make technology progress for epaper (color, maybe? )
The IPad will have a place in the market.
I think people should free their minds from the ditch. so how about i-tablet or i-
What TabI thinks is interesting is that everyone is looking at the name instead of talking about specs.
It's a big distraction for Apple, really.
I'm sure Steve & Gang will be happy for this, not discussing the lack of Flash and the fact that you can't play music in the background while surfing the web, we're all talking about whether the name doesn't make people think of hygiene products.
Normally I'm very excited about the latest Apple device, but I really think they lost the ball here.
If they had more powerful operating systems and cameras, they could have done some great things with this device, and instead, the tablets they produce are not as flexible as the netbooks or useful as the phones.
The price is attractive, but I need it at least for multitasking if I'm going to invest in a tablet. Well. .
Interesting name. Marketing Flop?
I don't think so. .
Yes, we will have a good time. .
But boys look at all the "free" marketing chats Apple is getting rid of right now.
IPad news is being rolled out on the internet and around the world through electronic sales channels, and they can do that without having to pay spammers. Brillant! !
I am not interested in this announcement. .
Now, at least I want to go to the Apple store. .
I think what Apple is doing is brand new. Apple iHaters.
No problem with the name.
Besides, this is not for children.
Will you really trust your child? 9-17)
$400 product?
I almost don't trust my Xbox 360 or Nintendo DSi kids.
This product is perfect for people aged 18 and over!
You're an over-inflated stingy ghost who should go crying and go back to your stupid and boring blog, and no one will read and learn how to be a professional critic.
Could have used the name of Apple "sliced" apple "wedge. The name is terrible. crazy TV skits really kill the cool factor.
Apple should call it iBook because they have successfully used the name in the past.
You carry it with you like a book, so they need to change it to iBook.
Overall looks good, but no new market segments are defined in any case.
We have been browsing the web, email, etc on MacBooks, and we have access to the Internet.
The IPhone is small enough to fit in our pockets and is really a game changer, but not this new device.
Apple will get competition from The Courier, which sounds cool.
Anyway, who are these idiots?
IPad is a good name!
It's clear that everyone on Twitter is 12 years old;
So their opinion of the name is irrelevant!
I think people only need to grow up. . . .
If someone is seriously offended by the name, maybe they need to see a contraction and fix their obvious problem.
The IPad is a perfect name. . . .
If adult men feel the need to make some childish jokes about it, let them do so. . . .
No one is so smart.
I don't care what it's called.
This product will be shocking!
If Apple wants to stick to the 3-letter plan, why not stick to iTab?
To be honest, the name of the product doesn't seem like a big deal to me.
I like my iPod Touch, but I agree with some of the above users that my netbooks and laptops are far superior to others in terms of functionality and portability, there is no storage limit of 16 or 32 gigabytes.
We won't even discuss the whole AT&T network issue as their recent "upgrade" requires users to purchase a $30 data plan on their smartphones, whether or not, they have already had huge problems. ~~~~my 2 cents. .
I can't believe people will seriously post because of this name they won't buy this product!
How naive are you?
Yes, iTablet, or iSlate might be a better name for you idiots, but seriously?
If you're the kind of person who doesn't want your friends to make fun of you buying an iPad, maybe you need to stick to your ancient desktop computer.
Only when you have the wisdom and education of a 12-year-old child-oops, that means most people in the United StatesS.
Not the population?
Islate will be very cool and seems to be more in line with Apple's innovative style.
The ipad seems a bit too obvious given the ipod's name.
I also think that people who don't know much about technology may indeed have a problem with confusing names.
Yesterday, during the announcement, some speakers had no intention of calling the ipad an ipod.
I don't care what it is called. . . . . i want one. . . .
Yes, iTablet will be better. . .
Chicago Sun tech columnist Andy inatko
The Times says Apple can call its new device "broken ducklings" and people will still buy it, both because Apple is attractive and because the iPad is one
"With the right equipment, marketing doesn't matter," he said . ".
"Andy is a technician who has an attitude of" If you build it, they will buy it "on anything obvious to Apple.
He was wrong in my opinion. . .
The name IPad stinks.
If it's still talking to the company that owns it before, let it eat some crows. . . and change it.
The IPod is cool, and it's a podcast term. . .
No one would want to provide "super pad", "foot pad" or "bundle pad" for reading etc ". . .
Who knows what the name will inspire?
Call it iSlab or iTote or iPac. . . .
But no market research or research on how the public will accept it (
Or research a video from 2007! ! ! )
This is a bad marketing move for Apple, usually doing a good job in fashion marketing (Andy's wrong. . .
I still want to say that. . . . )
Maybe all of you above should buy one to help you spell!
The IPad is a good name for the product, even though it looks like it's just a glorious iPhone that's overpriced.
I can understand that Apple wants the names of the ipod and ipad to remain similar. .
But they have to know how it will react.
It will explode, but they brought it by themselves.
Is this really CNN headline?
How about notepad? landing PAD?
Paddington Bear?
Do we also need to change the name of all these products?
The name is stupid.
I don't know why Apple feels the need to keep "My Name ".
Given how thin it is, why not call it "thin book ".
Both words describe the equipment;
It is very thin. it is a reader.
Incredible bad reputation
Also, who wants one?
I don't need other devices.
I need something to replace and improve the device I already have.
It can neither run a normal app nor make a phone call.
Why should I take this with me?
All crotch sniffers are silly & their junior high school gigglesI is more impressed with the iPod Touch with cameras and videos.
This is so interesting.
When I first heard about my Pad, the first thing I thought of was that newI could add something to my "women only" bracket --up routine; thanks Apple! !
Are we in high school? ?
Please, the name is perfect for such a great device.
Don't look for flaws.
I can't believe people are linking the IPad to women's products.
Do we call helicopter pads? ? Grow up people.
Yes, the Apple tablet or iTablet will be the best, but it will also not let us talk about the now famous female word "iPad" as we do now ".
"The funny thing is that the name is so bad that it may stick to it or even increase sales-especially since the iPad has made a lot of progress in a very critical area: building on a very successful iPhone OS X, show customers what true seamless integration looks like.
I don't think it must be a 12-year-old joke. when I heard the iPad, I thought of a female Pad, which is what women generally call female hygiene products, just say they can use a better name. GROW UP PEOPLE. . .
GEEZEwell, the iPad sounds too similar to the iPod.
Too similar, they can't rename it-but that's the stupidest name they could have come up.
The iPad sitting next to your iMac looks like your "light day pad ". .
I'm sure they 've been thinking about the name for a long time.
Apple has a great marketing department.
Why do you think they are so successful in selling gadgets that no one really needs at an excessive price?
The joke will soon be out of date and it will pass.
Having said that, I don't know if the product will succeed.
I'm not going to buy one.
I don't have $599 to set fire. But no. . . .
The name will not ruin the product.
Well, I think hockey players have "cycles" so they can use ipads @ Jennifer-there's no reason to explode on desktop computers.
Are they probably running old Macbook Pros as well?
Frankly, I will choose my intel.
Based on a desktop computer running Windows 7x64 Ultimate as it tries out any Mac for my purposes at the same price range: Photo/av coronary heart disease Video Edit (
Photoshop, Premiere Pro)and gaming.
The Ipad is a terrible name! Good grief.
I am female and never thought of this connection until I read this.
Who cares what the name is!
What is important is that factory workers in China are Hired!
They stole my trademark. Bastards.
What are these two people?
Pad jokes are no longer interesting in adulthood.
Apple should call it Islate.
It would sound much better.
The Ipad is definitely not the right name.
Fight for idiotsSeriously?
But even if you like the name, the device is terrible!
This is a huge iPod Touch.
I want a whole lot of computers.
Touch interface-not a big toy!
Too disappointed.
Definitely a terrible name. . .
Apple should try to change it before it goes public! ! ! iTab, iSlate. . .
Everything will be better. Sorry -
I am an older female adult who is not known for being rude and rude.
The first thing that comes to mind when I hear "iPad" is Kotex.
Someone at Apple did not think about the problem carefully.
Maybe some people think it's cute to provide an ipod and an ipad.
When I saw it on the screen, my first thought was "this is a big iPhone ".
"Maybe it's not too late to rename it" iTab.
"What's in the name?
Ask how much Chevrolet Nova sells in Franceand Spanish-
English speaking countries
Only time will tell us.
Looking at jobs's speech and introduction is nothing more than a powerful marketing.
Only hard Mac users (or zombies ? )
It is likely to rush out and buy one, but again, there is only time to prove that.
Because Apple is too low-key.
Silence on upcoming products, they certainly don't collect much consumer feedback about potential brands-you can bet higher --
Ups puts the weight on their favorite choice and then relies on the product manager to make the "right" decision.
Interestingly, Apple has apparently registered iSlate for the last 24 months, so why did they end up choosing such a weak name that I don't know!
For Michael and others, this is not a change in the rules of the game, it is an evolutionary product that develops along the trend, it occupies a market share that will now begin to develop around it, but the product lacks the ability to change the rules of the game.
Laptop Tablet Computer (
Like the Toshiba Tecra M7 I'm typing)
There are no factors that make it really useful in most cases.
The IPad is a toy from which the smartest people in consumer electronics can now develop better products.
5 years ago, the phones reached the minimum, and then they became small computers, so they had to become more useful, now with the Droid, Nexus, blackBerry and iPhone have almost completed the classification of mobile computing devices, a segment that is being broken down, and the IPad is the first consumer-friendly product of this kind.
Now, be careful when Lenovo, Dell, Toshiba and others are starting to roll out similar devices that are better than thinking. Yes!
The name sounds much better.
This is not the name but the function of the product. I like it.
No matter what the name is, people are joking.
Important things!
No problem with the name, keep the name and drop the 20 th century technology equipment.
It was a waste and a huge disappointment.
Apple, come back to the drawings and come up with a product of the 20 th century.
I didn't like the name at all when I heard it, even as a woman, I didn't even think of it as a maxIPAD.
As soon as I heard "iPad", I immediately thought of maxipads.
Yes, there are other products called
Pad, "but they have a full word in front of them that can be taken from the" pad "section.
I can't believe that none of Apple's people think of it.
Change the name? Tampon jokes? . . . .
Are these people in the fifth grade?
How stupid is Apple's marketing department?
No woman (
Or a sensitive man)
Make a decision?
They really need to act quickly to correct this unfortunate name decision.
The situation will only get worse, and the iPad will become the Edsel in the tech world ".
It's shocking that marketing professionals are so short-sighted.
A case from a few years ago. . .
Wisconsin Natural Gas changed its name to our energy company.
The name became a joke about weener. gies.
I think the iPad is a great product.
Not perfect, some improvements can be made.
But the name immediately reminds me of the female pads, which I can't seem to forget.
To be honest, I was very excited about the launch of this new product, and then it came out, and now I am disappointed.
I expect more from Apple.
The name is not good, not terrible, but not good.
Too close to the iPod.
The biggest problem I 've had, though, might explain why the name is so close to the iPod because it's a huge iPod. That's it.
I'm looking forward to it. it's actually a computer. it's a little thick and a little bulky.
Not just the larger version of the iPhone and iPod I carry with me every day.
I would love to sacrifice a bit of size and smoothness for something that has real computing power and more drives and inputs.
It will sell a lot, it will be very hot at first. . .
But then it will disappear as a miss.
Sorry Apple, good luck in 15 years when you try out the third tablet!
Oh, for the sake of gawd.
This is ridiculous.
We have been writing on notes.
As for feminists making everything active?
Don't turn over the PC again (geddit. ? )
Women don't own the word pad, it's not just for describing sanitary clothing! ! !
Are these feminists suggesting that we should be embarrassed for a while?
Will we be angry to see that a word can be used for all periods of use?
Maybe we should stop calling the cycle a cycle.
I suggest that if they are so sensitive to their own body, they should end a sentence with a grammar mark in English-full stop.
It's a stupid name and they should change it.
Apple made this mistake. The name is. . . unfortunate.
But remember the Nintendo Wii being attacked for its name?
The Wii removed the Sony PS3 and Microsoft Xbox in sales, so the name didn't break the deal.
Besides, people will have a good time with this name, and then it will get old and boring.
Now when someone is joking with the Wii, everyone just complains because it's out of date and overdone, so I'm not going to worry too much about the name.
Guys, don't worry about the name, it's not at least a vandalism.
May you order one of these things in Boston. . . ?
The name of the Ipod-ipad should be "I-
Because it's a touch screen!
I know it may sound crazy, but why do you think they named it iPad?
Let's think about it. . . .
What products do they sell 200,000,000? Is it an iPod? Wow, crazy conversation.
The name is not a flop, but a marketing strategy based on one of the most successful electronics we have ever seen.
This is a new decade. there will be a new name for technology.
The name of the speciallysensor disappartmentinproducts.
I'm a long term Mac user but I officially changed my username instead of this new incomplete "thing ".
I'm calm. I'm now (poudly)a padboy.
Apple should keep the name "iSlate. . .
The name is attractive, it sounds more lasting, and there are fewer women.
They can advertise with Fred Flint Tong, emphasizing changes in technology.
Fred can then hand it over to George Jetson, who can hand it over to the people who use it today: the label line-"from the past to the future, until today. . . "(
This information is owned by itself and has a copy)
Apple, the problem is solved.
Contact me and I will complete your new iSlate advertising campaign! iPad is good .
The problem is that the product is special, so there is a huge difference between the perception of the product and the name.
If the term iPod is not used, the name iPad may not be devalued and may provide some type of unique identity.
However, Apple may gain a marketing advantage by connecting with the iPod and iPhone (
"75 million iPod Touch and iPhone users ")
In this case, the name will work for at least two years.
With names like this over time, marketing work will be relatively larger.
It all boils down to: anyone with a better name? . . . .
I find it interesting that the people here tell others that the comment on the name is childish, but in their next sentence they will say something similar;
Or call them idiots, or even call them not smart.
This is childish behavior for me.
How hypocritical?
This is a discussion.
In most cases, there are two views that everyone can make their own opinions without being punished for doing so.
That's how adults usually do things.
At least the last time I checked
At least they use A, not American. . . .
This is the most ridiculous article I have ever read!
Is the author still in elementary school where the boy makes fun of the girl's female pads?
Not even worth a comment.
Just plain old sillyI doesn't like the "iPAD"-it's not a good name for this wonderful product.
Please change it.
The new name should be: I don't like the "iPAD"-it's not a good name for this wonderful product.
Please change it.
The new name should be: the abbreviation of iCAT-iCATCHER! ! ! !
Is the name of the IPad iFlop? . . . well. .
Make the wet maxi pad flop. . .
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahamarketting has been a genius for Apple since the problem.
The IPad is the worst name for the new product.
How disappointed.
This stupid name will be very popular if it's a good product, but I think Apple will be happy.
For $829 you still have a machine that won't be much
Tasks and hard drives are smaller than about 2004 of laptops.
The form factor is just dandy for the e-reader, but if you want to type, it will have a lot of needs-maybe that's why they don't bother to regulate it like a laptop.
Why would someone drag this thing?
This is a meaningless product.
I hope the 2nd or 3rd generation is cooler, but I doubt that at this point. No mistake. . .
I think it's great.
People need to clear their minds and overcome it.
Why is society always trying to discriminate or sexually? ? ? . .
Personally, I think the better name should be :. iLoaf. .
Most Applette don't work, just hang out at a coffee shop or benefit line, or protest for stupid reasons. . .
The name could be worse.
Define for them. .
Yes, this is a flop! What the heck? !
Did they change the name of the proposed iSlate rumor because people knew it? Lame!
Apple screwed up
Does it have extra protective wings?
It's hard to believe that Apple's marketing guru will let the iPad go.
Any focus group worth mentioning will laugh the concept out of the door.
The problem is that people who are addicted to Apple will buy it, even if it is named "iFeces ". . .
Those of us who think Apple makes toys for the Birkenstock crowd will laugh more happily!
The IPad is a perfect name.
I am a woman. I have never thought about menstruation.
If you 've been thinking about a way to have portable bookshelves, Internet services, and document storage at once, this is a great product.
Steve Jobs is good for you!
America is proud of you.
This topic is ridiculous.
There is no definition of the word "pad" in any dictionary I know that refers to a female product.
Some people will like your product, some people will hate your product, but when people start to laugh at your product, or in this case, you know you did something very stupid
Sadly, this makes it undesirable.
This will be the laughing stock of the joke. Max IPad. Duh. . . . .
What I don't understand is how anyone can relate this or this name to female hygiene.
It's not a question of "getting it", it's something else in life that needs attention rather than pre-
Adolescent humor
It is clear why they call it that, which is compared to a writing board, back on the day people used to draw, write poems, take notes, etc.
I can't understand why there is such a big problem.
There must be a lot of people with too much time in their hands. . .
Yes, they should change it.
When I heard the name when I saw the ad on Apple's website, my first thought was "iPad?
Why would Apple make their product sound like a Maxi pad, did anyone get a fall in the marketing department?
"Apple please save me from the embarrassment of showing off my latest toy (when I get one)
Instead of asking for my "mat" back.
I can't even believe it's a discussion.
If this is the way of thinking for PC users I switch to MAC.
No wonder our country is in trouble, we waste our time laughing at some basic little jokes and think it is actually very smart to do so.
Discuss how the IPAD works.
Calling it "ipportal" will do a better job of capturing the transcendence the device aims to achieve, rather than the "iPad", a plain description of its shape, with unexpected effects, unflattering connotations
There seems to be more people who scoff at the name.
Damn guy. Get over it.
Pick me up an iPad on your way home.
I didn't even think of all the negative comments about I-
When I first heard the pad name, but now you mention it, it's terrible.
I thought I was at first.
Pad is not a good name because it's too close to me
Pod, which can go wrong when talking to smaller versions.
Since the tablet was originally mentioned by the media and other media, I think it should be called I-Tab.
But people would call it I-Fad? who knows.
Better than me-tampon.
Apple should definitely rename it because keeping it the same could lead to people if it works with maxi-pad.
They should admit, "mine. bad on the i-
Pad "and rename it.
Until then, it was a joke that would soon grow old.
Who really cares about the name?
I care it's not much without a camera
Mission, will not play hulu or video.
Otherwise I will buy one once it reaches the store.
Want: * camera * More
Task so I can run ichat in the background.
The humor of IPadIt 10-12-year-old boy (
Girl apparently)
Find some references in name I about body functionPad (
Chuckle, chuckle, haha. . . GROW UP! ! ! ).
I read all these ridiculous comments from people who attacked the name, which reminds me of the fifth grade. . .
I am a woman and when I first heard the name, what I thought was a piece of paper, not a female product.
Everyone must be jealous of Apple's success. . .
Or angry because you can't afford it.
Does it really have to be pointed out that there are a lot of ways to use the word "pad" in addition to mentioning women's hygiene.
I have both PC and Apple products. . .
So I have no prejudice. . .
Just very surprised at the immaturity. The i-
Tab will be a better name;
However, the United States grew up! ! Its not! grow up people! ! !
No, the name is apropiate and I think women are too sensitive or just need something to laugh. Grow up!
The whole joke is complicated.
I think the name goes well with other products. . .
But I'm sure someone will make a screen saver that looks like a real pad and let's hope it's a clean pad. . . . .
Yes, I think they should change their names.
I believe their name is iTablet during development.
I can't wait to hear all the complaints from the people who called AppleCare about iPad technical issues, and the complaints that voice recognition software has to decrypt between "pad" and "pod.
I think there's a bunch (mentally)
12-year-old children who need to grow up. I hate the name!
Yes, iSlate may sound heavier than the product, but it's much better than the iPad.
When I heard the name, my mind entered a period right away, and my first thought was that people would joke about it and call it iTampon. I was right!
This certainly brings to mind the influence of women on Jobs's marketing team, because if I was in the room when discussing the "iPad", we couldn't laugh today because of its unfortunate name.
I didn't think of this when I read this yesterday, but now that I 've seen it, I think Apple could have done better.
I did think it was a bit lame when I saw the name.
I would definitely recommend more women at Apple.
Overall, I do like Apple products, but I am disappointed with the name.
I do think iSlate would be better.
I also think that somewhere in the future, Apple should give up the "I" before every product they come up with, and it's been more than a decade since they started. . .
No problem with the name.
The noise will eventually subside.
I mean, don't you know what the iPod meant when it first came out?
Since you can't write on it, why is part of the name the word "Pad?
It can't do multitasking either, so I guess it looks like 10-
Technology was quite fast a year ago.
It's not really portable because the screen is scratched and damaged if you start throwing it in a backpack, car or briefcase.
I can't think of any reason to buy this, especially when you can get a really good Netbook for less than $499.
Oh, it doesn't have a camera and can't run the flash program, oh, it doesn't even have a USB or HDMI port!
The more I write, the more stupid things sound.
As long as the iPad absorbs three times the weight in body fluids, its name is fine.
Tests should be conducted immediately to verify this capability.
Name it "Icarus" I (
Because it's Apple stuff)
C = computables = AccessR = ReadingU = user = system or I (
Because it's Apple stuff)
C = computables = AccessR = RetrievalU = UtilityS = system this will be a smart name, kind of like the "LCARS" name of Star Trek (
This is obviously copyrighted).
Terrible name-the first thing that comes to mind when I hear that it is an obvious meaning-as others have said, I immediately imagined a house of men coming up with the name & thought it was cool!
I thought of the name iTab-that would be much better-but now I see another reviewer beating me!
My first thought when I saw the name was "sounds like a new female product ".
Then my brother sent me the MadTV youtube short this morning.
I seem dead. on.
Oh, I think the guys at Apple are pretty savvy-don't you think they'll consider all the free publicity that the name will generate?
I think there's no problem with this name.
Everything people may think is in their minds. . .
It's ridiculous.
I am a woman and have not even considered this association with female hygiene.
If you want to see it, you will.
The writing board is not only one meaning.
I think people should get over it and start thinking about important issues-not silly word games.
Sounds worse.
How about Wacom's tablet?
This is the same, no one has done these ridiculous comparisons. p. s.
If you're obsessed with naming, not really liking tech products, then maybe don't buy them.
I'm talking about the Wacom tablet, but sometimes the word "pad" is also used.
Get dirty ideas from your head.
It works for all.
If you want to see it wrong, you will.
The IPad has already got one point. . .
It proves that too many people's mentality peaked at the age of 12.
Otherwise, why would they joke about a name that's not just stupid.
Is this a prank question?
Of course it's a stupid @ ss name!
This must be ranked second or even tied up with the winner of all time. . .
Chevrolet Nova was listed in Latin American countries as early as one day! ("No va". . .
Not to go ". . .
Good name for Spanish country cars! LOL! )
Will people who don't have beans in their heads review these things?
How about a focus group with female participation! THINK, PEOPLE! Bad name.
Besides being the fuel for many jokes, it is similar to the name of the ipod.
IPad = bad name, they should agree with me. .
I'm not sure why there is such a negative reaction to the name and technology of the iPad.
I personally don't own any Apple devices (I do use iTunes)
But the iPad seems to be a big step toward a class of devices that are now truly defined.
There is no doubt that some kind of tablet or slate (or pad! )
Equipment will become more and more common in the decade.
Apple has made a good contribution to such products.
I personally have never contacted hygeineproducts for women.
I think it's unfortunate that so many people have expressed this cynical or skeptical view.
I don't know if I will buy an iPad.
I am very interested in ebook readers, but I think I have more features that will allow me to underline, highlight, take notes, etc with a pen.
It doesn't seem like any device supports these features like a regular old book (POB).
To be honest, someone should know about the great MadTV short play. .
You have to assume they did it. It;
It's funny if you haven't seen it.
The name is really light, but I thank Apple for making my day brighter and opening me up for uninterrupted stupid comments?
The only question left is, will Apple admit its mistake or will it stubbornly stick to the one-off name? iPad is f ine. . .
But maybe ect nect or iWeb. . .
Or iWorldI might call it "complete" because it's all you want from Apple products.
First of all, yes, the name is stupid!
Didn't they ask the women in the company if their names worked? ?
Second, the Kindle and iPad will never kill the book "in your hands.
It won't kill the printer either.
As doctors find out how bad these things are for our eyes, I don't see the technology taking over the book.
I am a graduate student and I will never switch to Kindle or iPad in millions of years.
I told everyone not to buy me one this Christmas because I won't use it.
I hate watching screens (
I have been doing it all day at work)
So when I go home to do my homework, I like to lie on the couch with a book in my hand, a dog ear page, highlighted and placed on the shelf.
And, from now on, our race will not have a history of hundreds of years.
Look at the Bible, for example, because it is on paper, so it has been going on for thousands of years. . . .
Kindle and iPad will not last more than 10 years. . . . .
I am not interested in this technology. "Maxi-
"Seriously, it's just a big I-pod touch. . .
That makes sense. . .
It reminds me of pills, what rubbish.
Any child in his 60 s knows that the place you live in is a mat.
What's next to the iPod, iPad, iPed stand?
Because when a "sanitary napkin" is only called a "pad ".
When we call or write on the "legal pad", no one will think of this product, right? .
In addition, please think Apple sells products around the world, the voice of the iPad (good as well)elsewhere. Well, duh! ! !
I really think they can name it iCup or iJockey.
I agree that it must be a male to think of this catchy name. why NOT itab?
I think I will get sick!
I know you're going to say "I failed ".
How to iWontBuyOne.
HD playback is not supported. . .
No USB connection.
You have to sync it like an iPod. . .
To get 3g speed, you will spend an extra $30 per month. OH!
You can only run one application at a time. . .
There is no multitasking for this thing.
People should stop this kind of female hygiene nonsense.
I think one should see the fact that the iPad is a surprisingly innovative invention co-created by cutting-edge industrial designers and interaction designers.
It will sell well (
Because Apple knows how to do it)
In the end, these lame people will stop because of these jokes.
The name of the IPad is completely flop.
ISlate, iTablet, iBook, iNote, iSketch. . .
Tech bloggers have come up with any number of names and more names, any of which is a better choice than the iPad.
I predict a lot of people refer to it as an "Apple tablet" instead of an iPad.
While we are all sensitive and perhaps take it for granted to some extent, we need to consider these issues in a general frenzy. . .
This is an apple, they are a business, consumers are fascinated by the name, they want to free themselves from the mentality of thinking and clicking, rather than being technically challenged.
Still, I won't buy one for $99. . .
Maybe accept it as a gift, maybe. That's just me.
I was surprised by the price tag of the etched sketch without the knob, touchscreen. . .
Wooo, aaahhh, it does not make/answer calls (yet). Big Deal! ! !
Maybe, you can call it ISnob, because I believe that, in any case, everyone who is willing to pay $ for this gadget will be an elite crowd.
There are a lot of things you hate iPad, including immature and naive.
Apple doesn't say the name out of thin air. iTablet?
Too many syllables. iSlate? Sounds yuck. iPad?
This is a word game on the iPod-it will no longer exist in the next few years as the iPhone will destroy almost all iPod sales.
There is an advantage in bundling their latest kit with their best-selling device ever.
It promotes a good fuzzy feeling of the ipod over the past 10 years.
I think you people need to free your thoughts from the ditch.
No problem with the name.
If those who think the ipad can refer to female hygiene, why don't you automatically think of the bladder control pad, which, by the way, is the case for both men and women.
Female hygiene is a personal problem and has nothing to do with men.
I hate women being so disrespectful.
I heard the name.
I thought it was the maxi pad.
In fact, people will joke about anything.
Pay attention to the baby T-shirt of Ipood.
The IPad is really bad.
Even I joked about what would happen next. . .
I will also go to iTab in this case. Grow up.
How sad we Americans are to be so naive about such things.
Our sadness about our body and the way we work stems from our repressed sexual expression.
For God's sake, when I look at the yellow paper to be written on, should I imagine the image of dependency?
This is a media push to shut down Apple, which is a pity.
We always envy, envy, and strongly criticize companies that make such an impact in our daily lives.
At the "name" meeting, I will be a strong opponent of the iPad.
I just simply call it iScreen.
However, the real question, regardless of the name, is whether it will "sell" or not ".
I know I won't because it's too big to carry with me
I can't put it in my pocket, in my jacket pocket-it reminds me of the school --
The next thing you know
They will provide iBackpack to ship your ipod, iphone, IPads and they will be packed with solar cells so that you can charge at any time no matter where you are. Overall-iPad-
Yes, but will I buy it?
NoIt may mean a female product for most people, but my language is Dutch and "Pad" is a big fat frog or. . . . a path. . .
But I have been thinking about a frog. . .
But I should take a path because these gadgets can actually get you to something. . . .
If it's a frog. . .
If I kiss it, it will become a prince? ? ?
Looks like something I like to have, but I will wait for the next generation to get it.
It's hard for me to find out that they launched the iPhone in about 6 months.
I also think it should have a soft rubber edge as it looks like a product that I will drop all the time.
I agree with Gabriel Yeo.
ITab may be a better choice.
Of course, there will be inevitable jokes about eating soft drinks.
Imagine the joke that this name will cause a glacier show ("ice, late"). HORRIBLE NAME.
I don't need to "grow up" to not realize that it will immediately appear with an image of the maxi pad. dirty ones.
The IPad is a huge failure on many levels-no Flash, no multiple
Apple DRM for e-book, no camera required (
This means you can't put your book on other devices).
The name is trivial in the iPad problem.
Wow, who really cares?
"I" actually bothers me more than "pad.
Is there any word in Mac world that doesn't start with "I? It's tiring.
Think of something new, Apple, with a complete alphabet out there!
So we all agree with Apple's new IPad, whose name sounds like tampon.
The MSRP is $499 and is an expensive pad.
It doesn't even have wings.
This happens when you have a large group of geeks working day and night.
Come on, kids, go out for a walk once in a while and meet the ladies so you don't have an ipad and iCramps with you again.
Why are you being laughed?
It's a terrible name and they have to know that this teasing is inevitable.
ITab will be a better choice.
CNN's headlines for linking the name of the iPad to the menstrual cycle of women are lame!
There are dozens of product names with pad. Get over it.
I think, as others have said above, 3g is actually $130 per month instead of $30.
I know I won't buy this thing. . .
Give it a few USB ports (
For a better way to keyboard, mouse and transfer files, we will discuss.
In fact, give me the USB port and let it run Windows 7 and then we'll talk about it.
I thought Apple would name it iTab (
Short for tablet).
The IPad is really annoying.
Apple, you can do better.
"Launch board", "thinkpad", "note pad", etc.
Everyone has another word attached to them, which makes the focus of the word pad no longer stand out.
The IPad just adds a rather meaningless letter to a word with a strong connotation.
Stupid mistake made by Apple
This is probably a bad name choice.
Of course, 20 years ago, if you had to predict the name of the most successful tech device today, you might not have chosen "pod" or "mac ".
"But the name is clearly the one that needs to be overcome most.
It has succeeded in attracting attention, but now the product has to overcome the initial ridicule better.
It's a lot of pressure to put a product in its infancy and I predict it will be overcome too much.
Again, if it's as important to the world as Jobs thinks, maybe we have to explain to our children and grandchildren why "pad" would be interesting.
They call it iFail better.
Why is this news?
Why do we care?
Anyway, the product will be out of date next month.
As others have said, this is just a shiny, inefficient version of the iPod or iPhone.
It will only survive the toys operated by Uber.
Then it will disappear and the rest of us will continue to do real work on real machines.
I'm addicted to Mac, but this is me.
I feel cold anyway.
Not much, I can get a small cap or net-book (
OK, maybe PC)
But at least for the same amount it will do more. If I want to e-
Book it and I will buy a cheaper reader.
I just can't wait for Maxi.
The ipad should absorb more software next year. . .
By the way, as for the iPad, I may use it once a month. . . and I'm a guy! Grow up! Is this news?
I'm using Thinkpad.
Will you think of a new stupid name when you think about IBM products?
No, there is no negative meaning to the name of the iPad.
I think competitors are posting negative blogs for fear of bleeding.
I think no matter what the name is, people will always be "cunning" and come up with some sort of alternative meaning behind the name.
"ITablet" or "iTab" is likely to produce a "drug" or "pill" type reaction, which the media will be full of praise.
People need to relax and no longer compare everything to something negative, something sexual, or something dirty.
Let's grow together!
As a woman who has clearly linked the word "pad" to female hygiene in the past 30 years, I find myself unable to say the iPad without feeling upset.
In the United States, 50% of people will have something to do with words that 50% of others don't have.
What's the name of their first GPS product?
When using "pad" in compound words, it doesn't feel the same way.
But the iPad, its forgotten, only-there-for-the-
The brand "I" and the capital "P" really made me wonder if jobs, Ivy, Schiller, and Fausto really listened to the women around them --
Someone must have mentioned this.
Does this name have anything to do with the product?
No, people will still buy it, use it, happy. But man.
The IPad is really "prominent" as a "cramp" in the style of this gadget.
It's hard to say "Pad" and it feels cool. (
In fact, I now find myself whispering. . . Inadvertently.
Damn Victorian values. )
It reminds me of IBM's ThinkPad, not to mention the maxipad.
ISlate would be a good name.
How do you know your computer is a woman?
Look at the medicine cabinet for the ipad.
If Apple did a Google search on the "iPad" before naming their "tablet", which should be called "ISlate", they would realize, there are already a lot of jokes/youtube videos making fun of iPad products.
Oh, wait a minute. Apple's against it. google. Nvm.
There may be fewer jokes at ILiTe, but nothing can be re-interpreted as a butt joke.
This is a sign that people have too much time on hand and there is nothing constructive to do.
I will change it because the damage has been caused, however, there may be a cost to change the name, if this increases the cost of the iPad, then I will leave it, sell more with the nature of "butt jokes" as part of an advertising campaign.
I can't believe CNN is making a fuss about a bad Primary School joke.
Is this really worth reporting?
This is a mistake, of course!
How could Apple and Jobs be so stupid?
The only way to correct this is for Apple to produce and sell a real ipad for women's hygiene purposes.
No, take your thoughts out of the ditch! . Steggering.
I didn't hear such a joke until I opened CNN.
I also find it hard to believe that CNN will broadcast the show.
I think the name is a good idea.
Most of us may think it sounds ridiculous, but look at the media opinion it creates. I hate the name.
No woman will go.
ITab or iStone would be much better, but again, the only person who wants this gadget would be 20-
A 30-year-old man. Not a phone.
Not a camera, not a computer, right?
You're kidding, you must be the rioting around the law firm, "uck, y, managing partner just asked for a legal pad, har, har, not sure where she's going to put it, "If they call it iTab, they will joke about soft drinks.
Look, some people are fascinated by every possible verbal mention of sex and excreting body parts, tools, and apps related to them.
The name is "fifth grade ".
While we were talking, I was writing a blog post on our blog about the revolutionary possibilities of this product, "the greatest organization in the news" sat there and asked "Someone saw Mike". Sheesh.
It should be called the iPod Touch "Ultra ".
"It will also give consumers what they expect from this device: a bigger, more powerful iPod Touch.
I am worried that Apple is giving the impression that it is a revolutionary "new" device, which disappointed users.
Yes, my first photo when I heard that the iPad is a female hygiene product.
How immature are you?
As a woman lucky enough to be once a month, I am tired of the ass of thinkers whose gender is so immature.
This is the fact of life.
The IPad is just a name.
You narrow-minded people, overcome it quickly! ! !
It looks like a piece of crap to me, but we will see it.
Maybe there will be something in the future version.
But it's useless now.
I just think it sounds like an iPod too much-I feel like I'm imitating someone for the next decade. . .
I do think, though, that this would be a great teaching tool, or rather, the door to the invention of a similar teaching tool.
No more notebooks/pencils/Binder etc. Oh, come on!
Of course there's room for a rude joke, but we 've been around for a long time.
So grow up.
I like the name.
Well, it definitely makes sense from a brand/marketing perspective. . .
Apple, this is a good move.
Also, would those people want to name it iPon instead of the iPad?
It's already sad. take a break! ! !
There are still many more important issues to focus on. Come on people. Grow up!
I am 64 years old and I seem to remember other things besides having PAD in the name of the female product.
How about the launch pad? A STAMP PAD?
Corn or corn?
Apartment or other accommodation. i. e.
"Come to my priest ". (
Do singles often refer to where they live? )
Most people who are familiar with these will tell you that no one will make a fuss against it, or at least I remember no one against it.
Thank you for listening. Only my opinion.
Now please come back to the more important news! ! ! Just a bad name.
Sorry, the main connotation of "pad" is women's protection.
"It's just a name, but I hope to have more ideas.
It seems that women react to the matter like they did with Ford!
Jasmine-you said these words from my mouth.
The bottom line is Apple's bottom line.
The exposure they received just because they chose the name of the product is immeasurable.
Apple, I appreciate your marketing.
Hi, worst name
Technology gadgets since Zune-Apple has surpassed Microsoft in naming.
The IPad is just a bigger form of the iPod (Touch)and expensive.
Who will buy a $500 tablet for 16 gb and 1? No USB slots2. No Keyboard3. No Camera4.
No multitasking (
Are we going back to DOS)5. No flash6.
There is no drag and drop, and you can buy a 160 GB laptop for the same price to store all your movies, iTunes, etc. What a hoax! ! ! !
Maybe "iBoard" would be better.
I think people just need to overcome it.
Will people laugh and laugh at people who say they are holding a piece of paper?
What if you're using a mouse pad?
Is it really funny?
I admit I don't like the name very much, but I don't think it's as embarrassing as many people seem.
The real problem is that our society can make sexual jokes in almost any term.
To Howard Stern.
He will find the meaning of a personality.
That's it.
The size of the IPad is equivalent to a piece of paper.
Its screen is like a huge sepad. So what? =)
I think the name is not only considered bad, but also the product.
I don't think the iPad is the trend of the future.
I mean imagine trying to write a paper on a tablet.
I think it might be better for the iPad to be a glorified iphonname, but adults don't mind.
However, I was shocked by the fact that Andy El Sheikh nagicko's comments in Chicago were rather ignorant.
Like the iPod, Apple didn't break the ground and offered a good product, but it was very good --Look at the product.
The IPod used to have MP3 players, other companies have tablets, and more, especially tablets from the Android camp. But!
Andy, if Apple knows what to do, it's marketing!
All the hype, anticipation, and the way it was demoted and rolled out-not to mention the sleek design-is definitely the key for positioning the iPad.
The customer they are looking for does understand its value (on many levels)
Even before they got it.
No memory slots, no multitasking, a bit fragile-who cares!
This is what the customer wants (not needs).
Every company makes a bone movement at some point. iPad! ! ! !
This is the classic name. Really people. Geesh.
I think women should also be insulted or flinch from the word notepad?
Just was very disappointed with Apple because they didn't think the name or product passed.
It's not just a change to the expanded iPod Touch category.
This is a typical example of a company becoming bloated from previous successes.
As a woman, Apple feels so disconnected.
Seriously, none of the women would say that the iPad is a good idea and they must have been severely suppressed if they were in the room.
It makes me wonder how much the Apple culture hates women.
Like many other traditional companies, is this an old boy club?
I hope your Apple will be better.
IMHO, it would be great if the name of the new Apple gadget was a company oversight or error, or a genius strategy to get the new product noticed.
So far, the iPad has had more publicity, blogs, text, twitter and discussion on the Internet.
Although I am not very interested in gadgets, I will never forget the name and will always hide it in my mind with a smile. Really?
So, let's hear: "thinking" will remind you of something. A maxi-
The cushion of the mind?
I can't believe people make such a fuss about the name.
Where the IPad failed for me: 1. The name!
Seriously, iTab will save the day.
I know Steve has the final say. his words are the law.
But seriously, Steve? iPad?
Did your wife approve it first? 2.
This is an enlarged iPod, not a real tablet.
If they let OSX10 run on this, I will buy it in my heartbeat. 3.
Apple controls the content on my iPhone;
Okay, I accept it.
But now they will have control over the installable content on the iPad. 4.
As a substitute for a netbook, there is a lack
The task is a huge failure. I understand (
Or reluctantly accept)
Their explanation is that this will kill the battery on the phone, but how can they justify this argument for the iPad? 5.
Anyone who tries to read an ebook on a backlit LCD screen will be blind. Get a Kindle.
Yes, I 've heard an argument that you can't read the Kindle in the dark.
You can't read in the dark either, that's why they invented the lights. 6. Lack of built-in input ports?
What are you kids?
Don't you believe we can plug in our USB device? We paid for it! 7. Finally a 9.
7 "screen, still up to 16 icons per page?
Give me a rest.
I am a huge fan of Apple products and have been insisting on buying eBook readers until I have the opportunity to watch Apple's latest products.
The day the IPad was released, I ordered the Kindle.
My iPhone did everything the iPad did in a smaller shape (
I can put it in my jeans pocket).
I need a mature computer or e-book reader;
Not a huge iPod Touch.
I got my eBook reader and I'm happy.
Good luck to Apple next time.
HiI doesn't think it's a bad name, but ITab sounds better because it's a tablet.
ShriThe "iPad" is a great device made by Apple, even if Microsoft's "tablet" is a great competitive device, it will really change people's attitude towards the company
When he said the iPad, I immediately thought of the "Pad" and had this creepy psychological impression of the battery
Operate the maxi pad with white earbuds.
Four or five of my friends have the same knee. jerk reaction.
We all grew up.
Ladies, we are listening to tech news live as we are excited about the bigger and better iPhone/iPod/Kindle etc.
Even in this mindset, we immediately established this connection.
Maybe it's a regional thing, but that's what we're talking about. Pads.
Some people seem to think that the product is always called with the full name "maxi pad", and we are laughingly asserting that any word that contains the pad (
Like Paddington station.
Let's think of maxi mat. No.
For the purposes of this discussion, we just say "Maxi" to clarify things.
In everyday life, what we call a product is just a "mat ".
"My friend will ask you," Can I borrow a mat?
"You know she didn't ask for a parking spot for an 8x11" liner or helicopter.
You don't stand there and say loudly, "are you talking about the maxi mat?
"It's just a mat.
Just like the phone is "phone" and the TV is "TV"-this product is just a pad.
So Apple made something called the iPad, which reminds us of the tablet.
As soon as my friends and I heard the name, the name of the iPad immediately became --off for us.
@ Kerri-I like the comments about GPS being named iCome.
You're right!
They took something that already made sense and added an I.
How can they be surprised when we respond to this meaning?
Be sure to change your name.
Although I didn't think of a comparison of women's hygiene until Twitter pointed out, once this image appears, it's hard to ignore it.
ISlate is a name that attracts me.
There are not so many products.
I need a lot of persuasion and it can do what my iPhone and laptop can't do. Total flop. . .
The new, updated, bigger and better version obviously has to be called the iMaxiPad. . .
What about the inner ring?
Happy to laugh, but come on, Apple. . . !
Dumb, dumb, dumb. . .
What is the "female product" that should make us "scared?
Would it be too bold to suggest that the problem is with a particular culture, not the brand name?
Be bolder. . .
Let's say we have a new product, say, a superfast disc-
A formatted device named iRazer.
Will people start calling it "aftershave" and joking when men use the device to remove facial hair?
I must agree that the name makes sense (pOd to pAd)
But it does sound like a hygiene item.
I hope allbells-and-
Call the 64 gig version "Max-
Whether people like the iPad or not.
What I don't understand is why they don't have a better choice.
This is mostly a big iPod Touch, why not "iPod Slate?
Why is "iPed" not because of its mobility and references to pedestrians? (
Shoes that are not affordable).
Regardless of gaffs name, the main reason why I don't buy it is (
I have a lot of ipod, from G1 to Touch)
Lack of a striker-
Cameras for potential video conferencing.
Nintendo can install two cameras on their DSi, how does Apple think at least one camera might be of some use on their new iPod tablet?
The whole thing looks too rushed.
Not enough thinking about design or brand.
I have high hopes for Apple.
The upper addicts rush in, buy at launch, and completely deform when Apple releases the right product (
So we can all enjoy the same fiasco the iPhone caused.
I think this is CNN's reference to the vulgar and weird cemetery that preteen girls relate to menstruation and tampon due to the word "pad? As NEWS?
This is really following the reflective thinking before high school.
When passing notes about the teacher's bra presentation, it is still considered funny. .
Sorry, this is an insult to women.
Tampon, etc.
Same on world news! vulgar!
Just because it's on TWITTER doesn't mean it's news! !
This is really another time for CNN and news trivia.
And lowered the Barre again because it was considered newsworthy. . . . .
But please don't let us poor women.
The pursuit of related, every little thing through the wire back!
I am sure that the iPad is the name of the Mac OS X Dashboard widget and has not caused any controversy.
Also, you can call it what you want.
I called my iPod macPod because it was made with a Mac.
If I own it, who can tell me what its real name is?
I expect it to be called "datapad" after the device in Star Wars ".
The name of the IPad is good.
It does not need to contain anything else.
Some reactions to the name are more like comments on some people's mindset than anything else.
I like apples. I have been using them for 20 years. LOVE THEM.
I hate the name iPad. Dumb.
I was surprised.
Obviously, this brings to mind the finite element pad.
I think they should call it iBook when they occupy the book market.
As people have said, they have successfully launched "books", and the macbook is the market they want.
It's not a writing tool, it's not a tablet or a slate.
I am a photographer and will use it as a book for portolio.
People will use it to read and photograph books. scrapbooks. videobooks. musicbooks. . . on and on.
This name may affect me to buy one.
One of their worst moves i