Is There a Scientific Basis Behind Water Witching and Dowsing Rods? - use of vibrating ring

Joan wedchera. k. a.
Search for Water, graffiti or divination (
Explanation of reference results)-
It has been in existence for thousands of years and is mainly used to locate groundwater, as well as to help locate buried metals and ores, gems, oil and tombs, etc.
Some people are looking for the Ley line, which is the radiation current of the Earth.
Defining the attraction and movement of water and the attraction of water is defined as locating groundwater or underground streams by using divination rods.
The water Devil is the oldest way to kill the soul.
This "art form" has existed since ancient Egypt, where it was used to find the best location for the sanctuary in town.
It was first used in the United States in the early 19 th century.
It gets the name "water magic" because the power of the Taoist seems to be unnatural or supernatural, as if their ability to find water is because they practice witchcraft, because in rural areas, there are no water scientists, geologists or other scientists to debunk their skills or admit that they are legal.
Therefore, the preacher or the messenger (
Later, the Water Witch)
Become a scary person.
Water has been needed since ancient times to raise crops and domestic animals.
Good water supply guarantees the future of agricultural production.
Making it easy for people around you to find the best water supply and well location is a benefit for the entire community.
The water pile with the highest success rate means that he or she has the skills to ensure his position in the community.
Even today, in some rural communities around the world, a well-documented water worker is still respected and highly sought after by community members.
People who use the water pile service usually don't care how it works or the science behind the pile.
They are usually only interested in the results.
Of course, it annoys those who want a rational explanation.
Dow and their customers may try to explain the successful Dow because their subconscious has the ability to read the leads provided by the terrain and explain the Dow failures and low success rates of their competitors.
Luck, for the inheritors and their customers, is a key component of their inheritor skills.
Many road workers will only accept payment if their road workers have successfully produced enough water for their customers.
Needless to say, the total people have their critics who believe that the total people are plundering the creditability, trust and innocence of their clients, and they are basically, pay for DoCoMo to be "lucky" on their property;
He is gambling with other people's money.
Assuming all the hydrology and geologists are there, they have spent several years training for this very important work (finding water)
Why would anyone trust an old guy with nothing but a stick and a complete lack of scientific evidence to find water, let alone the guy's salary?
How does dosing work?
Positioning generally adopts one of the four methods :(1)L-shaped or Y-
Pin Rod ,(2)a pendulum, (3)
A lecherantenne, or (4)a bobber (biotensor)
With ergonomics (
Artificial muscle test)
And have a preliminary understanding of the terrain to achieve the best results. 1)L-shaped or Y-
Traditionally, a straight or forked branch or branch, usually from the hazel tree, but Peach and willow branches are also acceptable.
Some people prefer the one they just cut.
The fork end of the pin Rod grabs the palm-
Down, Dauser slowly walked through the area where groundwater was suggested.
If the pin Rod drops or taps, this is considered to be a sign that the water is there and the customer should dig in that place. 2)
These pendulum are usually made of crystal or metal that shakes from the end of the chain.
One way to use the pendulum is that if the pendulum swings from the front to the scene, "Yes" is generated"to-
Return "no" if it swings to the left"to-
At the scene.
Another way is to write the words "yes" and "no" on a piece of paper, and when he or she goes to another place, the pendulum swings on the mat, the positioning pin waits for the pendulum to sing more songs towards an answer. 3)
This is a divination stick based on the Leck line, in many forms and sizes.
Its working principle is vertical vibration to respond to the hand of the positioning pin.
It uses magnets to detect solenoid valves, metal rings for searching volume and Aurora, colored glass tiles for various forms of study of surrounding colors and Aurora, and quality (
A disc with a small dent to hold a tiny sample of the Earth)
It is connected to the Lecher antenna via a wire connector.
DoCoMo senses the changes in the magnetic field obtained from the lekel antenna magnet. 4)A Bobber (Biotensor)
It is made of a flexible metal rod, a piece of plastic, a winding wire, or a wooden branch.
The instrument requires the weight of the end of the device.
Shan Bo worked in answering the question of dather.
The positioning pin holds the wire shaft in hand, points the wire shaft to a place far away from him or herself, and puts the thumb on it, holding his or her forearm level with the ground.
Shan Bo will go up. and-
For the "yes" answer or rotate backwards-and-
Put forward the answer of "no.
The key to using these pins tools is to relax while focusing on water and pins.
It is also important to know that there is no positioning tool that can be forced to give an answer.
It is said that the effort to force a positioning tool to give answers of any type will only produce the wrong result.
Evangelists must take a few deep breaths to calm their minds, take a neutral mindset of wanting to know or discover the truth, and want to give answers to a particular question.
In this mindset, no matter what the answer is, DoCoMo does not want to get a "yes" or "no" answer, only one answer.
Bovis ScaleMany dowers uses Bovis scale, a percentage scale that combines the biometer reading to determine the value of any water found.
The Bovis scale uses the electronic wavelength, especially the red wavelength (
6, 5000).
Biometer measures not to measure the wavelength, but to calculate the subtle energy in the unit of vibration mass (called Bovis unit.
Basically biometer measures radiation intensity.
Using the Bovis scale, the Bovis reading for bottled water is 2,500 units and the Bovis reading for coconut water is 16,000 units.
Business and high
There are several high-tech devices.
Technology equipment sold to the army and police in search of water.
They were not found to be helpful in finding water.
Scientists have long been trying to find scientific explanations.
Early scientific testing and interpretation was based on the concept that divination sticks and other positioning instruments were physically affected by certain substances.
These explanations are not supported by modern science and modern science testing.
Even supporters of dowsing do not believe that the dowsing instrument has no power.
This statement is that these instruments only amplify the slight movement of the pin-down hand caused by the influence of the person's subconscious mind on his or her body without any conscious action decisions
Basically, this explanation is that the positioning Rod is a pipeline that the positioning Rod subconsciously perceives, and reading may be susceptible to confirmation bias.
At present, scientists believe that there is no scientific evidence to prove that locating groundwater or underground streams is an effective method.
Scientists believe that the interpretation of the positive results of the piles can be interpreted as the expected effect from sensory clues, pile and pile customers, and the basic probability.
So, what about work?
It all boils down to asking you who you believe in the explanation you received.
Resource Dictionary. com.
Water Witching.
http://dictionary . reference.
Com/browse/water activities.
Water fans work but how http://www . all-about-dowsing. com/water-witching.
htmlWikipedia. Dowsing. http://en. wikipedia.
Org/wiki/dossingleylines and dossing.
What is dosing? http://www. leylijnen. com/index2.
Bruce K. Dowsing.
http://stenulson .
Detective HtmEnergy
Dowsing Manual.
http://energydetective .
Manual/Ferrad, Renee
Lecher Antenna.
http://renaud91 . free.
She/she or her wife.
Michael R. Hathaway, DCH.
Working with Shanbohttp://www. netplaces. Com/psychic/-art-of-Positioning/positioning-with-a-bobber.