Is Your Sex Life Bad for the Environment? - anal toys for women
When we think about sexual pleasure, we think about taking care of ourselves.
If we are decent couples, we will consider taking care of our sexual partners.
However, we seldom consider protecting the environment.
From the sex toys we buy, to the lubricants we use, to the birth control method we choose, what we bring into the bedroom will have a serious impact on the environment.
Here are some of the ways your sex life affects the environment
What can you do to change it.
The use of condoms, or rather, the treatment of condoms, may have a negative impact on the environment, in part because we use so many condoms.
Writer Nina lastoji estimated in an article in issue 2009 that the average weight of condoms was 0.
There is 1 ounce in the package, so the total mass used-
Condom garbage should be around 2.
75 million, or 1,365 tons.
A lot of condoms were thrown away.
Because latex is natural rubber, it should be biodegradable in theory.
However, most latex condoms are made with additives to prevent breakage, which also makes it more difficult for them to break down.
Polyurethane condoms are notbiodegradable.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the only truly biodegradable choice of condoms is natural sheepskin, which will not protect you from all sexually transmitted infections.
Fortunately, condom users are interested in the ecosystem
Friendly latex options have quite a wide selection.
For example, it is fair to maintain condoms --
Trade rubber without carcinogenic additives.
"We feel that the use of truly fair trade rubber is unique and comes from one of the most sustainable rubber tree plantations on Earth in southern India.
Without child labor, they pay reasonable wages and provide education and health care to the community
Founder Meika Holland talks about the microphone.
Other eco-friendly condom companies include L condom companies that use recycled packaging and fair sugar-trade rubber.
If you use a regular latex condom and want to take a step in a greener direction
Friendly lifestyle, don't flush them off the toilet, which can damage the sewage system.
Women who use hormone control instead of other methods also have environmental effects that need to be considered.
The hormones in oral contraceptives are associated with an increase in sex fish, which is caused by birth control hormones in our urine.
The reproductive struggle of fish may have harmful effects on their water environment, but, as Slate points out, "What is really needed is better sewage treatment.
"Fortunately, an ecology
Friendly family planning service
You may have heard of it.
The ring is a small, t-
The shaped device is inserted directly into the female uterus at a price between $0 and $1,000.
IUDs is valid for up to 12 years and is one of the longestlasting (Sustainable development)
Forms of birth control: Greenpeace wrote that IUDs "Rock for the environment" mainly because they are unique --
Can last for more than ten years to buy, at the same time very effective for pregnancy.
Other reusable contraceptive methods include diaphragm and cervical cap. although they can be reused, the success rate is not high.
Because vibrators and other toys are usually sold as novelty items, they are not regulated by the FDA and may contain harmful ingredients that are harmful to the environment and to you.
In 2006, Greenpeace even after asking a research organization to test the neighboring benzene ester of eight different sex toys (including dildos and vibrators, published a copy of the chemicals added to plastics to make them more durable, which has been shown in laboratory experiments to cause reproductive problems.
It is worrying that 7 of the 8 samples contain neighboring benzene ester with concentrations ranging from 24 to 51%.
"Remember, these [phalates]
It is a chemical that is not easily biodegradable and may be dangerous-
Even if the number is small, "the report says that while the cheap pink vibrator at a novelty store in the mall does get you off the bus, it's worth it for the planet, your body and your climax invest in something decent.
Sustainability toy stores like Earth porn also offer a range of fake penises, anal toys and lubricants-great if you play alone or with your partner (Or with the group! ).
As Mic reports, although there is a strange stigma that shouldn't be around it, lubricating oil is essential for a good sex life.
Even if you find that you do not want or need to use it, it is necessary to participate in any form of anal games.
For those who are interested in helping the environment and saving animals, you may be interested in learning about some mainstream brands testing their products on animals, according to Forbes.
According to PETA, 219 animals are killed every minute in the United States. S. lab.
If you're looking for an ecosystem at the same time
Friendly and cruel
Sustain, a free lubricant certified by the Vegetarian Awareness Foundation, manufactures organic lubricants.
If you stop and look at the products they use in the bedroom and elsewhere, the environmental impact can be great.
Choose a brand of condoms for fair trade latex instead of traditional pharmacies or buy cruel condoms
Free lubricants can be an important action to build a more sustainable lifestyle.
Just have fun and be safe
It would be even better if you could help save the earth when you get off the bus.