Israelis Protest Denial of Surrogacy Rights to Same-Sex Couples - sex toys for gay men

Tens of thousands of Israelis waving rainbow flags, pushing strollers, demonstrating against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanya and his right-wing --
On Sunday, the religious union blocked efforts to extend surrogate rights to the same rights --sex couples.
"This is the 21 st century," said Itzik Shmuli, a gay MP for the Zionist Union.
"People will not sit behind the bus because of their skin color, nor will they be deprived of their right to be a parent because of their orientation.
"Netanyahu sold the most important thing in our society to an extremist minority in his government for an insignificant political interest: equal value," he said . ".
In a law enacted this week, the government extended surrogate rights to single women, but rejected an amendment that would be included --
Sex couples and gay men can have children through agents.
Support for gay rights is becoming more and more common in Israel,
Orthodox Church, who plays an important role in life
The government of Netanyahu opposes any legislation that condone homosexuality, which they see as a contempt for Jewish law. Although Mr.
Netanya also supports surrogacy --
The sexual partner turned his attitude around on Monday and Wednesday
The Orthodox members of his alliance objected.
The failure angered the gay community in Israel.
Gay people in Israel say they feel they have been
When it comes to paying taxes and serving in the military, mature citizens --
And expressed appreciation for Tel Aviv becoming a gay tourist destination
But there is no talk about marriage and parental rights.
Israeli men wishing to have children through their agents must now do so abroad and say they often spend up to $100,000 in the process. Gay-
Human rights groups called for a one-day strike on Sunday, the start of Israel's working week, with dozens of companies and institutions, including the national labor movement, encouraging workers to participate.
Throughout the day, protesters stopped traffic in the south of Beersheva and Haifa and afora in the north, and at Mr.
Netanyahu home in Jerusalem
Late Sunday, roads to the center of Tel Aviv were blocked and people were heading to Rabin Square, the scene of some of Israel's largest mass demonstrations.
The front of the town hall is bathed in sunshine, taking turns showing David's stars and the colors of the rainbow.
According to local media reports, the square is packed with as many as 60,000 people, chanting "homophobia is terror", "Shame, shame" and "People demand justice in legislation ".
Many people hold the slogan "We are a family", while others make it themselves --
Like one person said, "maybe the day when we are all equal will come. ”Mr.
On Sunday, just before the summer recess of the Israeli parliament, the Israeli government was also attacked for other legislation enacted last week.
These measures include the exclusive right given by law to the autonomy of the Jewish state.
Identify and reduce the status of Arabic, restrict access to the Israeli Supreme Court for Palestinians living in the West Bank, and allow some propaganda groups to be banned from speaking in public schools.
"This is the other thing, then the other straw, that is it --
I can't stand it anymore, "said Zohar Lobel, 44, who is 8 to 13 years old with her three children, and her parents Yonatan and Malka Lerner.
"I believe in the right to democracy and equality.
I also raised my voice when I heard a strong protest. ”Eran Hagai-
Neuberg, 42, and his husband Nir and their two sets of twins 6-year-
Children of two different surrogate mothers born in India.
"We come to support others who also want to be able to build families, but not because the minister of religion told us that we are not allowed to build families," he said . ".
Ydo Greenberg, 35, has an Instagram account with 57,000 fans and 4 fansmonth-old T-
The shirt company, which printed modern political slogans in Biblical Hebrew fonts, said he wanted to convey to the audience "How important is human and civil rights ".
"Today is me, tomorrow is you," he said in Hebrew, wearing one of his shirts. "It is only the heart that determines what the family is.
"Our voice is trampled and suppressed . "Greenberg said.
"It's crazy that someone else can decide who I love and what makes a family.