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Just how honest SHOULD we be in bed? Tracey Cox reveals the things it's OK to lie to your partner about between the sheets (and the one thing you NEVER should) - anal stimulation

by:KISSTOY     2020-03-04
Just how honest SHOULD we be in bed? Tracey Cox reveals the things it\'s OK to lie to your partner about between the sheets (and the one thing you NEVER should)  -  anal stimulation
A well-
Moaning from time to time that is not entirely true, pretending to like to be tied because you know your partner is opened by it . . . . . . .
In order to improve our partner's self-esteem, we all made the mistake of lying.
The question is: when can the lie about sex and when can't it?
Some people think that full disclosure is always the best for your relationship --
I'm not one of them.
Sex makes us vulnerable: We are sensitive to criticism, if we are told that we are nottoo-subtle way.
To be frank, I find that people who "say like this" say things like "I never lie"
People know that they stand with me and become the least flattering and unpopular person I 've ever met.
We are talking a dozen social lies every day, making others feel better and making life go smoothly. why don't we tell good lies to our most important people in bed?
There are situations where our partner will know the truth: imagine coming out in a new sexy underwear and your partner will say, "Wow!
It really doesn't help you any more!
There must be some sexual situations where lying can only make your partner feel bad.
When lying means that your sex life and relationships will never be content with any of you, there are others.
Here's what I think of the category.
You would rather stick the pin in your eyes than let your partner have sex with you and you will suffer the worst cold in years;
You will have a very important working day at midnight.
You have a child or a young child and it took you three hours to settle in.
Is it OK to say "I'm sorry dear, I'll pass this time?
In this case? Hell yes!
In many cases, you should honestly say not to have sex.
But if your partner suggests having sex, it's a "perfect" Sex Scene (you're on vacation, resting, feeling good, looking good, just having a great night out, wait, are you still not interested?
If you fall into the category "I will never want sex, forever", say it out loud now or lose your relationship.
There are many reasons why this can happen: you love you, but no longer like your partner, the one-husband-to-one marriage becomes monotonous, or you lose your sexual desire through surgery, medication, menopause, or age.
There are many ways to overcome these obstacles, but you have no hope without honest conversation.
With no exception, they are doing something that hurts you and you should tell your partner if sex hurts you.
Aside from the (unwanted) very unpleasant pain, this is a warning sign: it means they are doing something they don't like about your body, or have a problem with it.
Sometimes the pain can be fleeting and nothing to worry about: your partner's penis hits your cervix and you say "Oh!
You adjust the angle of penetration and everything is fine.
Other times, sex gets hurt because you're not completely excited (there's not enough foreplay for vaginal expansion and lubrication) or changes in your body (menopause can lead to thinning of the vaginal lining, causing penetrating pain ).
Not speaking in this situation means that you will start to be afraid of sexual intercourse-it will be more anxious next time and cause more pain.
When you try something new, such as anal stimulation or sexual intercourse, sex can also be hurt when giving feedback to your partner is more important.
There is no case that does not apply when speaking.
Always honest with pain.
This is a technology worth discussing.
If your partner tries to try something new and goes all out and is obviously happy with your efforts, there is absolutely reason to fabricate the truth and pretend that you like it more than you do. (On the flip-
Also, don't be too convincing, otherwise they will think you want it every time you make love!
) If we say you don't like the technology your partner has been using, you have no choice but to "cheer up" (or have junk sex as long as you're together ).
Also, most men like to be honest and guided technically because it's not obvious whether we like something or not (and his penis will let us know immediately ).
How do you propose something when you have been pretending to like it for years?
For example, "I feel like my body is changing because I used to like the way you do X, but in recent times it doesn't feel as good as it used to be.
Can we try to do Y?
"I'm a huge fan of well-meaning lies that are used to protect our partner's feelings, so don't apologize for suggesting you wrap the truth in a lie.
Really, say, "Honey, do you know what you will gain by spending so much time getting a neck and breaking your tongue?
They were all wasted.
You know you won't reach the climax. Most people know their bodies very well and know when it is possible that they will not reach orgasm.
Too much wine (both alcohol and brain numb), too focused or too anxious you are worried about your child/roommate/motherin-
The law will hear, it doesn't feel so good, who knows why, but you know.
Just because you know you're not going to orgasm doesn't mean you don't like sex-the question is, do you let them know in advance that you're not going to orgasm or pretend to be?
For most couples, this is a No.
Brainer: If you haven't had any problems for the rest of the time, it might not be a big deal to say you are this time.
This is not the case for others.
I suggest a couple end up breaking up because her partner is so competitive that he refuses to stop trying until she reaches her climax-no matter how long it takes.
He was very angry that her body did not respond to him and would stick to the thrill of a few hours (I mean a few hours) determined to do so.
At the same time, due to the pressure he put on her, she was equally determined not to climax.
(Hopefully I don't need to point out that if you feel similar pressure, get out of here quickly.
) Have you tried to do something with exWhat, and what else do you gain from being honest with this matter, in addition to making your partner feel uncomfortable?
Some people can't just because they like "one-
Their partner.
But it won't give you a sexual brownie, it's just inspiring an unwelcome image of you and another person that makes them feel paranoid and they won't measure it.
You have an STI, but now it's no longer stressing "but it's gone ".
Most people know that STI is dormant like herpes, but will never leave, and thanks to the so-called "asymptomatic regression", it can infect others even if you have no symptoms.
Herpes is a viral sexually transmitted infection that means it can be controlled but cannot be cured (condyloma acuminatum, HPV and HIV are also viruses ).
Bacterial transmission infection, like chlamydia and gonoseria, can be treated with antibiotics.
If your STI is a bacteria and you have been treated, it is impossible for you to pass it on to your partner and whether to admit it is entirely your business-don't let anyone tell you.
You have had a sexual experience in pastIf, which is not serious, revealing something very personal will only make you feel vulnerable and exposed.
But if you want to have a relationship with this person, it makes sense to tell them what is going on, because it will shape who you are.
Don't rush to admit: Wait until you feel you can trust them 100 and talk to them with confidence, even if it takes months or more.
If trauma means you need to wait until you have sex with them, but don't want to reveal the reason, say, "I really want to wait before we turn this experience into sex ".
If they ask why and say "I need to feel safe with us before I sleep with someone ".
A good, intuitive partner will guess what has happened to you in the past.
This person is not suitable for you if they ask you to provide details that you are not willing to provide.
You don't actually like their stuff, which is definitely a tip to get into the gray area.
Is this something they like to do from time to time? Don't you like it but don't hate it?
I think it belongs to the category "what we do to please our partner" and is worth keeping silent.
But what if your partner really likes it and you really don't like it?
At the far end of the spectrum, you have a fetish: when your partner continues to rely on non-
The object of life (such as shoes or underwear) or the need to focus on specific body parts (such as feet) in order to be awakened.
I'm not talking about the boyfriend who goes to bed in your high heels, but the one who won't go to bed with you unless you're wearing your high heels.
You don't have much choice about pedophile: You try to find a way to deal with it, or cross them with your fingers and send them to a sex therapist.
But if it's something they really like but don't get married, it's worth it to open your mouth and say it doesn't fit you.
Most people are willing to "weaken" their "things" to get used to their partner or try something else that makes you all tremble, not fear. Speak up! Find more, non-
Judgment information on sex and relationships on Traceycox.
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