Kendra Wilkinson Is ''Excited'' to Start Dating One Month After Divorcing Hank Baskett - how to use a vibrator

Now is the time for forKendra Wilkinsonto to get his status back!
It's only over a month since the reality TV star filed a divorce with Hank basketball, a source told E!
News Kendra "is ready to really show yourself in the dating world.
"We were told Kendra was" looking forward to a new chapter in her life "and she felt she was going to make a comeback and have a full renaissance," the person added.
"After their dramatic break-up, the former Playboy model" made "a dark-skinned bob with her signature platinum blonde hair.
Kendra "likes her to have a new look," the source said ".
"Kendra is excited to explore her choice of men, which is no longer a secret.
"So much, just yesterdayyear-Old Blackrock.
6 million dating and sexual advice from Twitter.
"What is your opinion," she wrote on Twitter, "do I start dating/having sex now or do I give myself more time to break my heart, but I have a need.
"When a fan told her to use the vibrator, Kendra replied," the battery is out of power.
It's time for my friend.
As usual, Wilkinson's main focus is on her children and her happiness.
"She and Hank have been on the United Front throughout the split and recently joinedyear-
Evan and 3-year-
Sports Game of OldAlijah Bassett.
"Hank has moved out of their house and she is focused on working together
"Raise children with him in the healthiest way," our sources explained . ".
"Things have been resolved and she has a good relationship with Hank.
"Summer is right in front of us, and it sounds like a hot and heavy carnival that Kendra needs!