Kissing is a risk factor for throat gonorrhea - anal sex toys for men
(Reuters Health)-
According to Australian research, deep kissing with a tongue can be a contagious way, even if romantic partners have no sex in other ways.
The authors of the study, in the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections, wrote that although the study only deals with gay and bisexual men, it is also possible for heterosexual people, especially sex workers, to have oral gonizosis
"It is important to understand that security behavior is not a difficult problem --
This poses a challenge to previous sexual health practices, "said Eric Zhou, lead research author of the Melbourne Centre for Sexual Health and Monash University.
Public health information is mainly concentrated on the use of condoms, as most gonoseria is considered to be transmitted during the penis --
Anal intercourse between men who have sex with men.
However, recent studies have shown that sex only accounts for part of the recorded cases, especially when gonoseria occurs in the throat.
Zhou Xingchi told Reuters Health by email that "kissing may be more risky than previously thought . ".
"It may help people understand how infections are introduced, especially if they have no sex.
"Chow and his colleagues surveyed 3,677 men who had sex with men between March 2016 and February 2017 at the Melbourne Sexual Health Center, which provides free walking servicesin service.
The survey asked about the number of male sexual partners in three different categories over the past three months: kissing-only, sex-
Only Kissingwith-sex.
All men were examined for sexually transmitted diseases, with 229 men, about 6%, suffering from throat gonoseria infection.
About 6% of patients suffer from anorectal inflammation, and 3% suffer from urinary tract ulcers.
At the age of 30 on average, almost all men kissed. with-
Over the past three months, 70% of sexual partners have kissed.
Only 38% of people have sex. only partners.
It is reported that there are fewer than three partners of these three types, but most have at least two.
There are 4 men on average. 3 kissing-
There are only partners in the first three months, and one more. 4 sex-
Only partners and 5 kissingwith-sex partners. Kissing-
Only Kissingwith-
Sex is related to throat gonoseria, but sexonly was not.
For four or more kissing people, the chances of having a throat gonoseria almost doubled --Only or kissingwith-sex partners.
In addition, young men are more likely to suffer from throat shower, which is related to more kissing times for young men
Only partners, the team noted.
"Although some interventions are changing the epidemic curve, we need to continue to encourage screening," said Dr.
Lindley Barbi of the University of Washington in Seattle did not participate in the study.
She added that future studies should investigate different types of sexual behaviors, such as anal sex or oral sex, that may be related to the sex transmission of the bacteria.
In addition, the researchers should investigate specific kissing behaviors, including the duration, number, or number of times a bisexual male kisses a female partner.
"It can be difficult to study because people are not isolated and do all of these behaviors in the same environment," Barbee told Reuters Health Channel via email . ".
"It's hard to figure out which encounters or behaviors can spread the infection.
"Chow and his colleagues are now conducting a clinical trial to test whether daily use of mouthwash can reduce the risk of bacterial infection.
"We know it's unlikely that people will stop kissing," Zhou said . "
"If that works, it could be a simple and cheap intervention for everyone.
At the same time, Barbee recommends being vigilant and tested.
Throat gonoseria is usually asymptomatic, but it may produce resistance to antibiotics, which may make it difficult for gonoseria itself to treat and may lead to more severe throat infections later on.
"Gonoseria is able to remove DNA from other bacteria and exchange genetic material that may lead to antimicrobial resistance," she added . ".
"It's important to know what's going on in our throat and treat it. ” SOURCE: bit.
Ly/2VF4WLr sexually transmitted infection, online on May 9, 2019.