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kiwis hack into cyber sex toys, reveal frisky risks - vibrator sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2019-07-02
kiwis hack into cyber sex toys, reveal frisky risks  -  vibrator sex toys
Even your vibrator is not safe.
Who can take over it remotely.
Two New Zealand experts have warned that the new generation of dildos is vulnerable because they are connected to the Internet.
At the Def Con hacking conference in Las Vegas, two New Zealand hackers were called Goldfisk and Followr, he said, they are concerned about the 2 million people using the device by the vibrator manufacturer, an American company called "Standard Innovation.
They say hackers can take advantage of network connections linked to apps to make your partner happy from anywhere in the world.
A hacker attack vibrator will keep a complete stranger in control of one's closest moments.
Computer security researchers say such hacking could constitute sexual assault.
At a meeting, the two revealed they were worried about us.
The Vibe 4 Plus is a vibrator connected to a smartphone app whose manufacturer says the app "allows couples to keep their flames lit --
Together or apart
The device is described as "No1 vibrator" and can be used remotely, for example when a video call or text message is made.
According to The Guardian, "a lot of people have said in the past that this is not really a serious problem, but if you go back to the fact that we are talking about people, the activation that the vibrator does not want may be sexual assault.
"Another concern is that sending back data from Standard innovations can be stolen.
This includes temperature changes per minute on the device, from which hackers can calculate temperature changes when using --
When users entertain themselves.
Goldfisk said: "What is the point of who they will provide this data. " The We-
Vibe 4 Plus costs £ 104 ($135)
There are 10 modes to choose from including "pulse", "wave", "Surf", "peak" and "cha-cha-cha".
It is compatible with iPhone 4S phones or newer devices, Android phones, and wireless or cellular data connections.
Standard Innovation said in a statement that the vibrator sent the data back to the company only for "diagnostic purposes ".
Frank Ferrari, president of the company, said: "Any change in temperature is not significant or obvious enough to indicate the location of the product.
"Data is collected only when the application is in use.
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