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Latest ‘Avengers’ movie inspires line of ‘super’ sex toys - sex toys for men online

by:KISSTOY     2019-09-20
Latest ‘Avengers’ movie inspires line of ‘super’ sex toys  -  sex toys for men online
A dedicated online store has joined the trend of the "Avengers" and released a series of superheroes --Theme toys
Every item from Australia is referred to as an "indulgence"
The online store-based geek fun toy follows the theme of one of the Avengers members.
These items include Thor.
Inspiration and hammershaped “Möan-
Female "lnir", male "Getsmeoff agents" inspired by the Black Widow, and the Green "incredible dong" of adventurous women ".
And Iron Man.
Captain America
Reference "ass reactor" and "anal captain" for everyone to use ".
The lineup even includes an "infinite fist" to get inspiration from the infinite challenges seen in The Avengers: Infinite War.
In addition to the "Avengers", the store pulls materials from other popular franchises such as "Game of Thrones" and "Guardians of the galaxy" to accommodate their customers. -
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