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LOL! Jameela Jamil Accidentally Used Her Roommate's Vibrator as a Hair Curler - how to use a vibrator

by:KISSTOY     2020-02-17
LOL! Jameela Jamil Accidentally Used Her Roommate\'s Vibrator as a Hair Curler  -  how to use a vibrator
Jameela Jamil has a style tip for landing characters: accidentally curl your hair with a vibrator.
She learned this from experience.
The Good Place star revealed to Seth Meyers late Monday that she was preparing for an audition for the NBC show when she accidentally tested a new tool.
"I never rolled my hair before. . .
"Everyone else is always doing it for me," she said with a smile . ".
"Because of this, I am not familiar with these vessels.
"However, at the time she was staying with a model who had some of them, so Jamil helped herself find one in her room.
"I entered her room. I found a box—
It says hair. I opened it.
The box is pink.
"The hair boy was pink and noticed that it was wireless and had" ridges "," she described ".
"Oh my God, technology has really taken a long way," she notes . ".
So with her hair in place along the ridge, the actress pressed a button, although the result was not what she wanted.
This tool is replaced.
"I realized I wasn't fast enough to curl my hair with my penis," she quipped . ".
However, the first line of hope for the story is not so embarrassing.
"I almost missed the audition because everything made me have to wash my hair again. . .
"The penis on it," she said . ".
"It almost broke the show for me.
The star continued, "I felt nervous because I was late.
I went all the way to the other side and by auditioning I was able to get the power strangely and then I got it so curl your hair with a fake penis!
"Look at the clip above and see the way her roommate hides the vibrator.
"She will murder me for telling you this story, so can you hide me? " Jamil asked ? ". (E!
Both NBC and NBC are part of the NBCUniversal family.
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