Marketing to women - adult female sex toys
I was wondering if anyone happens to know any good websites I can market adult toys to women?
I asked this question because I know that women have the largest share of global buyers and I want to take advantage of that.
I have the adult toy shop website and for the reasons just mentioned, I think it will take off if I advertise and market to women.
However, it is difficult for me to find any website with the highest frequency of female access and friendly to adults.
Pinterest is fine, but they seem to be unfriendly to adults.
Many of the products I want to sell from the website are products that women are most likely to buy.
A Youtube video suggested that I blog, which is not a bad idea, but in order for me to do so, I have to create some sales through the adult toy shop website I own, I think selling this to women is my best choice.
I'm just having problems looking for sites like Pinterest that have a high percentage of female visitors and are adult friendly.
I 've been Googling this topic and trying to find a website that meets the criteria, but at the moment it's hard for me to find anything.
I hope all of you here have some suggestions.
I am particularly interested in hearing from the ladies on this forum what suggestions and suggestions they may make.