Meet Britain’s most embarrassing mum who reviews cheap sex toys to her 13,000 fans on Facebook - most popular sex toys
A mum-of-
Five people in Plymouth have become a less likely sex guru.
Share unusual sexual poses and tips for commenting on sex toys on her Facebook page "Emma's bonkin bargain.
Emma Harris (Emma Harris), 43, also shared the offer for sex toys, a sexual "location of the day" that can try humorous sex with her 12,000 followers
Emma started her page with a comment from a Poundland vibrator, which proved to be a favorite of her friends, and she decided to set up a regular Facebook page. The mum-of-
Five people said: "It was just a joke at the beginning, because I was a bit like a black horse in my family.
"I did a review of The Poundland vibrator and it started from there.
I am very surprised at how many people are paying attention to it now.
"I also posted the deal on the page, so I shared things like a total of 20 condoms in Morrison, down from 14 to 8.
"Emma is also trying to reproduce some of the sexual positions she and her husband Tim posted on the Facebook page.
She explained: "I bought a book called" sex today ", Tim (my husband)
I tried to put on my clothes and re-interpret some, but it was actually impossible.
"One night I thought, 'I got this, it was a very easy one,' but it was impossible.
Poor Tim just got caught up doing something.