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Men Try Sex Toys For The First Time, Hilarity Ensues - sex toys for men

by:KISSTOY     2019-12-30
Men Try Sex Toys For The First Time, Hilarity Ensues  -  sex toys for men
Who knows how many different colors fleshlights have come?
In the Buzzfeed video released on November.
21, six men discussed their initial reactions to a range of sex toys, well, reported them after use.
Comments are funny because all men are equally scared and curious.
Sex toys range from "Cobra Libre II" male vibrator to a range of different flesh light.
A few of our favorite reactions include: "It feels like I'm from X-
Man, I put my penis in the Cup except for her absence.
"I don't think I'll use it again, but of course I won't throw it away.
"I don't know if I'm a feminist.
"It looks like it turned my penis into a curse.
"I haven't been to church for about 20 years. I think it is necessary to go to church.
"Some men are pleasantly surprised at how good sex toys feel, while others are just scared.
"Now I have sex with a machine and I can't go back," said one . ".
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