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Morrison keeping eye on vaccine loopholes - magic body wand

by:KISSTOY     2019-12-07
Morrison keeping eye on vaccine loopholes  -  magic body wand
After hitting a way in which people avoid vaccinating their children, the federal government is prepared to seize other loopholes.
From 2016, anyone who does not vaccinate a child because of "conscientious opposition" will no longer be eligible for child care and benefits.
However, if a church official writes to the government to declare that they are practicing members of the religion, Christian Scientists can still obtain religious exemptions.
Scott Morrison, Minister of Social Services, tried to avoid naming the church.
Only official religious exemption
Since the vaccination was announced on Sunday.
"I have no promotion exemption other than medical care, which will enable people to avoid taking responsibility for getting their children vaccinated," he told reporters on Wednesday ,", this information was added to the website of his department.
He said that the increase in the number of people refusing to vaccinate in recent years has been almost all conscientious objectors.
"If I believe there are other exemptions, whether religious or otherwise, that are abused, I will close it," Mr Morrison said . ".
At the same time, the federal Labor Party wants parents who do not vaccinate their children to be labeled as "vaccine-rejected" rather than "conscientious objectors ".
"Parents irresponsibly reject their children and other children and protect what conscience is brought about by vaccination," said Labor's deputy leader Tanya pulberek . ".
The former head of the national medical research agency said there was no magic wand to fight against the-
Vaccination campaign
Warwick Anderson, who is stepping down as chief executive of the National Health and Research Council, said it is important to raise awareness of vaccine benefits, but this message is clearly not communicated to some people in the community.
"It is disturbing that this seems to be most common among the rich and the rich --
He told the National News Club: "Educated (regional ).
"I can only attribute it to a sense of entitlement.
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