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Most Americans Are Not Into Rough Sex Or Anal Sex - anal play toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-03-02
Most Americans Are Not Into Rough Sex Or Anal Sex  -  anal play toys
If you spend a lot of time watching sex
Related media articles or internet porn websites (
Reports on their most popular search terms)
You might think that two sets of sex were once considered relatively rare.
Sex and anal sex-
It is now commonplace.
Usually, this is by
The mainstream of more and more abusive and attacking pornographic activities, including slapping, blocking, pulling, choking, insulting others, and various forms of anal play, fingering and boiling (oral-anal contact)
Double transparent.
There are also 50 shades of gray pop that make quirky sex into more bedrooms than ever before.
Is this true?
Are most Americans engaged in rude sex and anal sex today? Perhaps more importantly, are these behaviors attractive to most people?
A recent national study of more than 2,000 U. S. SamplesS.
Adults aged 18 and 18 say the answer is No ".
As I wrote last week based on the same research, mild sex and more traditional penetration --
Vagina and mouth
Rated attractive by most American men (77%-88%)and women (58-90%).
In addition to performing oral sex in women, all of this makes it the top ten acts of "very attractive" for men and women.
This is not the case with any rough or anal behavior.
As shown in the table below, only 35% of men and 14% of women consider anal sex to be at least attractive;
The vast majority of US adults are not particularly or not attracted to anal sex at all.
Although about 40% of people have had anal sex at least once in their lives, only a few men and women have had anal sex recently.
Most other forms of anal games are equally unattractive, and 10% to 30% think they are at least a bit attractive. (
The only exception is to stimulate the partner's anus with a finger, which 45% of men think is at the attractive end of the balance. )
As shown in the second table below, rough sex is a bit appealing for a little more people (about 40%)
More than anal but most people
57% for men and 60% for women
Still think it is not attractive.
This is more evident for other specific activities involving pain or braking, which only 10% to 30% consider attractive.
Interestingly, unlike many anal sex activities, most rough sex has no gender difference in engagement or attractiveness.
In anal sex and rough sex, most people rate any of these behaviors as "attractive" rather than "very attractive.
"It may mean that, in the appropriate circumstances, in the appropriate circumstances, people may sometimes like such things; not a go-
Every time, every person's behavior.
All in all, even though you might be considered mainstream porn-based, neither anal sex nor rude sex becomes mainstream.
In fact, 20% or less of men and women have been involved in these activities in the past year, and 15% or less have considered any of them "very attractive ".
"Of course, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be rough or anal, or doing it often with a lot of partners, as long as this desire for a person is real, and it was done with the express consent of everyone.
The problem is that, especially in heterosexual interactions, this is usually done under pressure or without consent.
Not only do women endure behaviors they don't like, they will certainly acquiesce in their partner's demands, or because they don't even make a choice in this matter, their hair is pulled up, no sign of ass.
These data show that many men will also endure
Let their partners
Their own dislike of behavior is due to stress, requiring them to abide by the concept of what is properly masculine or what a woman wants in bed.
In the end, everyone lost.
So guys, next time you guys want-
Or think you should
Shoot your partner's ass, pull her hair, or put something in her anus, keep these numbers in mind.
Maybe, you know, ask if she would like it?
Ladies, I hope these numbers prove that you are not the only one who doesn't like these things and give you the confidence to resist the pressure to do things you don't like.
You can find a doctor.
On Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, as well as on her website drzhana, Zhana Vrangalova. com.
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