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Mysterious Amazon packages being sent to Island student groups - adult sex toys for women

by:KISSTOY     2019-08-05
Mysterious Amazon packages being sent to Island student groups  -  adult sex toys for women
Sex toys, record players, thermometers and charging cables are just a few projects in recent months that mysteriously arrive at the university student community in Vancouver Island and across Canada.
The student community at Victoria University, Camosun College and Vancouver Island University reported that they had received surprise packages for months.
All items are in Amazon's package and seem to be part of Canada --Widespread phenomenon.
At least 10 students
Including darhousie University in Halifax, Ryerson University in Toronto and Regina University --
Received package has been reported.
Sarah Segal, a propaganda organizer for the student union at Naniamo Vancouver Island University, said: "Initially, we thought it was strange . ".
"Then we talked to other students and realized that it was not specifically for us.
The packages seem to contain some random items: sesame oil, BBQ pads, electronic device headphones, digital thermometers, and several sex toys, Segal said.
"At first, we thought there must be someone in the office ordering them," Segal said . ".
"Then the adult toy came and we thought," Most people don't send these things to the workplace.
Amazon could not be reached for comment.
But all three student groups on Vancouver Island said they contacted Amazon and found no interest or explanation.
Michel Turcott, executive director of the student association at camoson College, said the packages began to appear around November.
More than 50 people have come since then.
Like VIU, Camosun received a wide variety of items
It includes a record player and sex toy, as well as a fishing tackle on Thursday.
Turcotte said there was no document in the package that listed the shipment or who sent the item.
"You can only return what you actually ordered," he said . ".
Turcotte said the address was strange.
They did not name the camorson academy, nor did they give the main address, Foul Bay Road 3100.
Instead, they are only called "student society" and the street address corresponds to the loading dock on campus.
Although several cables have been put into use, these items have just accumulated.
"To be honest, we have always been happy," Turcotte said . ".
"It's a good distraction.
"At UVic, many packages were returned without opening them. Some items —
Case for cell phones, headphones and other gadgets-were donated.
The UVic student association now refuses to accept these packages.
"There must be some rough things happening, but I don't think it's anything malicious," said Pierre . "
Paul angelblzer, interim director of student association outreach.
"It could be some kind of admin error.
"Rwatts @ timeslonist.
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