Nation’s Gynecologists Assure Women That Whatever Gets Stuck In There They Can Get Out - good sex toys
Rochester, MN—
To appease patients' concerns about reproductive health, the National gynecologist held a press conference on Wednesday to reassure women that they could go out no matter what was trapped there.
"Unfortunately, there is still a lot of misinformation about the female reproductive system, so we want to send a clear message to any woman who is confused or embarrassed about the vagina: spokesperson Natalie Hudson said: "We promise that we can take it out no matter where you push it. " Notice that any foreign body stuffed into the vagina may not be able to pass through the cervix, and even if it does, trained professionals will know to check the uterus before declaring it to disappear forever.
"We're not saying it would be comfortable to come out --
Your vagina may feel a little unstable in a few days.
But we can definitely guarantee that it can be removed.
Let us assure you that there has been considerable progress in the gynecological field, so even if any item is squeezed there by the side, we can extract it safely.
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"At the press conference, the country's gynecologist released a follow-up
The Up statement acknowledged their lack of tools and methods to successfully remove used condoms.