New Vibrator Can Reportedly Order Pizza For You After You Orgasm - vibrator adult sex toy
An adult entertainment company has launched a very beautiful new sex toy: a vibrator for ordering pizza after the climax.
On Thursday morning, CamSoda, an adult entertainment company, launched the "RubGrub", an interactive vibrator to order food after you have completed your original use.
According to a press release, the liarand-
Internet attached to dining equipment-
The connection button at one end, similar to the button on the Amazon dashboard stick.
Once a person has programmed their payment, delivery and order information, RubGrub connects to your local pizza shop via its application programming interface (API, this is how the two software communicate.
So whenever a person has a good time, just press a button and they can order the pizza.
The vibrator will only connect to the Domino at first, but Daryn Parker, vice president of CamSoda, predicts that other national chains will jump to his product once they feel the buzz.
Dominoes may be a little sensitive to connecting to sex toys-a company spokesman told Huffington Post that the chain knew nothing about RubGrub-but the device was able to order pizza from the chain, since its API is public, Parker explains.
He added that RubGrub addressed some of the issues that were aware of the existence.
"Masturbation, while ultimately enjoyable, can be a dramatic physical activity in which a person consumes a lot of energy and calories.
"It is inevitable that once someone reaches a climax, they will feel sleepy and hungry," Parker said in a press release . ".
"Now, in order to enjoy a Saturday night, all you need is your RubGrub device.
Get off the bus and eat, just click a button quickly.
Pizza Hut is trying to do something similar (But less sex)
Last year, when it created a pair of basketball shoes called "pie head", one could order pizza by pressing a button on the tongue of a shoe.
RubGrub is currently in the final stages of development.
Parker expects it to sell for $19 in a few months. 95.