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Not in the mood! Female tech reporter furious after start-up CEO sends her a gift basket with a sex toy, lube and tequila 'to get her attention' - magic wand vibrator

by:KISSTOY     2019-10-31
Not in the mood! Female tech reporter furious after start-up CEO sends her a gift basket with a sex toy, lube and tequila \'to get her attention\'  -  magic wand vibrator
A San Francisco writer attacked the technology industry's "sexuality" after a heavy punch"
When the moment begins
The founder of Up gave her
A basket of inappropriate gifts hoping to attract her attention.
Science and technology writer Christine V
Brown of the San Francisco Chronicle said she recently received a speech from Blake Francis on these issues --and-
The answer the app needs, it comes with a basket of stolen goods.
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Jelly, oysters and tequila.
Francis told Brown that he wanted to get [attention] after she did not reply to his email.
His plan was successful.
But it's not a good way.
She wrote in a column in The Chronicle on Friday that I wanted to know if the meaning of the gift was related to my gender, not to his company.
Founder Blake Francis seems to be calling me as a woman, but not a journalist.
"More importantly, the vibrator seems to say that my sexual orientation is shown for some reason.
Brown said she sent an email to Francis asking him to explain, but he didn't seem to understand much.
He was defensive in the first place, she wrote.
He said he was sorry that I was uncomfortable with the stolen goods he chose, but was also very surprised by my discomfort.
"He didn't want to offend me, but he didn't understand why I was angry at first.
Francis doesn't seem to understand that sex.
Or a woman's sexual orientation.
Not a topic suitable for a professional background.
The tech writer said Francis explained that all the products were recommended on his app "needs" and that each gift came with a screenshot showing what the product was on
According to Brown, Francis said he had sent the same items to male and female journalists.
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Brown said Francis said the products his company picked would "stand out ".
He told her that, in retrospect, we did not make the right judgment, according to the "ChronicleBrown" report. The incident, he said, is an example of the fact that "women are disgusted" as
"I rarely meet a woman in the tech world who doesn't have a similar story to share, whether it's a venture capitalist or a partner.
The staff made too many sexual jokes, she wrote, or the boss didn't invite women from the team to the big meetings.
Sometimes gender discrimination is public, but more often it seems unintentional.
A subtle gender discrimination is a byproduct of such a deeply rooted industry in culture that it was considered a gender discrimination in the first place.
Francis could not be reached for comment on Sunday by the Daily Mail.
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