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NZ police help rescue 31 kids from global paedo ring after Christchurch man's arrest - sex ring

by:KISSTOY     2020-01-17
NZ police help rescue 31 kids from global paedo ring after Christchurch man\'s arrest  -  sex ring
31 children, some only two years old, have now been rescued from a huge global child sex ring with a New Zealand man in the center on the black internet.
Department of Homeland Security and New Zealand police department for online child exploitation (OCEANZ)
In September 8, 2015, there was a fear that Canterbury was related to crime.
OCEANZ's national manager, Detective Senior Officer John Michael, told the Herald that Christchurch man Drew Weber was arrested with the help of the Canterbury children's protection team, opening a new phase of the global investigation.
"This group, many of them are parents or steppers.
"The parents of the children are part of this group and they are concerned about the sexual exploitation of their children," he said . ".
Weber, who was imprisoned last year, is facilitating the organization and importing and distributing images and films of child abuse, including young children and infants.
"Once the offender is arrested, this opens up a whole new phase of investigation, and we 've found people around the world who we think pose a very high risk to our children, Michael said.
The ring has spread to Australia, the United States, Canada, Scotland and France.
Since then, 18 people have been arrested and four have been convicted of sexual crimes against children and children.
Today, Scottish paedophile Hugh Shin was sentenced to eight years in prison for filming his abuse of three children in Glasgow's High Court. year-
According to the BBC.
Prior to his arrest, New Zealand police shared information with Scottish police and within 20 minutes of receiving the report --
Scottish police are knocking on the door of Sim.
Scottish High Court judge Johnston said photos of Sim were posted online and found by police in New Zealand.
"If it weren't for the police work of the country and New Zealand authorities, your crimes might never be exposed," the BBC reported . ".
Scottish police superintendent Andy Lawson said, "there is no doubt that this is one of the best examples of law enforcement work I have seen at the international level ".
"More importantly, in this case, the prompt and professional actions of all relevant officials have enabled a child, and even potential other children, to be protected from further harm by the perpetrators.
"Michael said the children's victims will continue for the rest of their lives.
"Unfortunately, I don't know how many children will be identified as victims, but I suggest that this number will increase over time," he said . ".
Due to the ongoing investigation, he was unable to comment further on any other New Zealand contact with the group.
"This is possible," he said of possible new Zealand criminals . ".
"We have been looking.
In many cases, Michael said, child sex offenders will find a "network that people like them will operate ".
"They will consider working in their dark network that is anonymous.
To find like-
"Unfortunately, people with ideas," he added . ".
He said the nature of the crime, the degree of anonymity, and the fact that it was "carried out from the privacy of their own home" made it difficult for authorized agencies to track criminals.
Some criminals around the world have been sentenced to more than 20 years in prison, one of which is the United States.
Sentenced to 30 years' imprisonment.
On February, American woman Ashleigh Welsh was sentenced to 27 years in prison for recording child sex videos at her home near San Antonio, Texas, and sharing them with online group San Antonio Express. News reported.
In 2016, Jason Janatsch, an American man, admitted to making child pornography.
According to the US Department of Justice, Janatsch's violations are related to Webb in Christchurch.
Janatsch passed the photo to the New Zealand man with his iPhone.
"According to court records, he also received child pornography from New Zealand men in return," a statement from the Justice Department wrote . ".
New Zealand Police Chief Mike Bush said in his latest blog that he was "very proud of the work the New Zealand police have done in this case ".
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