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Old school toys vs. high-tech gifts: Pediatricians make their pickOld school toys vs. high-tech gifts: Pediatricians make their pickOld school toys vs. high-tech gifts: Pediatricians make their pick - new sex toys for women

by:KISSTOY     2019-07-23
Old school toys vs. high-tech gifts: Pediatricians make their pickOld school toys vs. high-tech gifts: Pediatricians make their pickOld school toys vs. high-tech gifts: Pediatricians make their pick  -  new sex toys for women
Out of the block.
The toy train is leaving.
Pediatricians prefer old ones.
The toys for children are high-
A new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics found tech gadgets.
Pediatrician says hand
Like an old gift
School puzzle
Even the cartons they came in-
Stimulating imagination and creativity is better than electronics that parents often feel pressured to buy during their holidays.
Doctors advise parents to ignore flashing screens that have become ubiquitous in our digital age and come back to basics.
For example, a carton can be converted into a house or a cash register by a child, which attracts their brain when they play.
"The best toys are those that support parents to play, pretend and interact with their children," said Alan Mendelssohn.
The author of the report and associate professor, Department of Pediatrics and population health, New York University.
"You just don't get the same return from your tablet or screen.
Real magic happens when children play with their parents, whether they are pretending with toy characters or together with blocks or puzzles.
According to AAP, "the best toys are those that are in line with the child's ability to develop while encouraging the growth of new skills.
Toys are important for developing a child's brain, language interaction, social interaction, and physical activity, especially when they step out of a toddler.
Without the right toys, it's easy for kids to become passive and let gadgets do all the work while playing.
The doctor also warned that while many electronic devices are being promoted as educational devices, this is not always the case.
Many "interactive" media such as video, computer programs and professional books with voice
According to AAP, record reading claims educational benefits in unproven advertising.
"After years of development of toys, advertisements may leave the impression of" virtual "or digital toys to parents
"Platform-based is more educational," said Aleeya Healey, the report's lead author . ".
"Research tells us that the best toys don't need to be gorgeous or expensive, and don't need to come with the app.
In this case, simplicity is really better.
"Pediatricians have long recommended restricting children's use of video games and computers.
For children aged 2 or over, the total screen time, including TV and computer use, should be less than 1 hour per day and completely avoided among children younger than this.
However, according to Common Sense Media, most children under the age of 9 spend about two hours a day in front of a computer, phone or TV screen.
"The more we know about early brain development, the more we understand the game needs based on human interaction," says Healy . ".
"There is no screen, video game or app that can replace the relationship built through toys.
"Perhaps even more frightening is that the more screens children use, the more they want to use them until trying to limit the use of the device becomes a battle between parents and children.
"It's very addictive," says David Waldman, a pediatrician at Stanford Children's Health Center . ".
"Anything that hits you with dopamine will make you feel good so you will want to do it again and again.
"Bust the wood.
The toy train is leaving.
Pediatricians prefer old ones.
The toys for children are high-
A new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics found tech gadgets.
Pediatrician says hand
Like an old gift
School puzzle
Even the cartons they came in-
Stimulating imagination and creativity is better than electronics that parents often feel pressured to buy during their holidays.
Doctors advise parents to ignore flashing screens that have become ubiquitous in our digital age and come back to basics.
For example, a carton can be converted into a house or a cash register by a child, which attracts their brain when they play.
"The best toys are those that support parents to play, pretend and interact with their children," said Alan Mendelssohn.
The author of the report and associate professor, Department of Pediatrics and population health, New York University.
"You just don't get the same return from your tablet or screen.
Real magic happens when children play with their parents, whether they are pretending with toy characters or together with blocks or puzzles.
According to AAP, "the best toys are those that are in line with the child's ability to develop while encouraging the growth of new skills.
Toys are important for developing a child's brain, language interaction, social interaction, and physical activity, especially when they step out of a toddler.
Without the right toys, it's easy for kids to become passive and let gadgets do all the work while playing.
The doctor also warned that while many electronic devices are being promoted as educational devices, this is not always the case.
Many "interactive" media such as video, computer programs and professional books with voice
According to AAP, record reading claims educational benefits in unproven advertising.
"After years of development of toys, advertisements may leave the impression of" virtual "or digital toys to parents
"Platform-based is more educational," said Aleeya Healey, the report's lead author . ".
"Research tells us that the best toys don't need to be gorgeous or expensive, and don't need to come with the app.
In this case, simplicity is really better.
"Pediatricians have long recommended restricting children's use of video games and computers.
For children aged 2 or over, the total screen time, including TV and computer use, should be less than 1 hour per day and completely avoided among children younger than this.
However, according to Common Sense Media, most children under the age of 9 spend about two hours a day in front of a computer, phone or TV screen.
"The more we know about early brain development, the more we understand the game needs based on human interaction," says Healy . ".
"There is no screen, video game or app that can replace the relationship built through toys.
"Perhaps even more frightening is that the more screens children use, the more they want to use them until trying to limit the use of the device becomes a battle between parents and children.
"It's very addictive," says David Waldman, a pediatrician at Stanford Children's Health Center . ".
"Anything that hits you with dopamine will make you feel good so you will want to do it again and again.
"Bust the wood.
The toy train is leaving.
Pediatricians prefer old ones.
The toys for children are high-
A new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics found tech gadgets.
Pediatrician says hand
Like an old gift
School puzzle
Even the cartons they came in-
Stimulating imagination and creativity is better than electronics that parents often feel pressured to buy during their holidays.
Doctors advise parents to ignore flashing screens that have become ubiquitous in our digital age and come back to basics.
For example, a carton can be converted into a house or a cash register by a child, which attracts their brain when they play.
"The best toys are those that support parents to play, pretend and interact with their children," said Alan Mendelssohn.
The author of the report and associate professor, Department of Pediatrics and population health, New York University.
"You just don't get the same return from your tablet or screen.
Real magic happens when children play with their parents, whether they are pretending with toy characters or together with blocks or puzzles.
According to AAP, "the best toys are those that are in line with the child's ability to develop while encouraging the growth of new skills.
Toys are important for developing a child's brain, language interaction, social interaction, and physical activity, especially when they step out of a toddler.
Without the right toys, it's easy for kids to become passive and let gadgets do all the work while playing.
The doctor also warned that while many electronic devices are being promoted as educational devices, this is not always the case.
Many "interactive" media such as video, computer programs and professional books with voice
According to AAP, record reading claims educational benefits in unproven advertising.
"After years of development of toys, advertisements may leave the impression of" virtual "or digital toys to parents
"Platform-based is more educational," said Aleeya Healey, the report's lead author . ".
"Research tells us that the best toys don't need to be gorgeous or expensive, and don't need to come with the app.
In this case, simplicity is really better.
"Pediatricians have long recommended restricting children's use of video games and computers.
For children aged 2 or over, the total screen time, including TV and computer use, should be less than 1 hour per day and completely avoided among children younger than this.
However, according to Common Sense Media, most children under the age of 9 spend about two hours a day in front of a computer, phone or TV screen.
"The more we know about early brain development, the more we understand the game needs based on human interaction," says Healy . ".
"There is no screen, video game or app that can replace the relationship built through toys.
"Perhaps even more frightening is that the more screens children use, the more they want to use them until trying to limit the use of the device becomes a battle between parents and children.
"It's very addictive," says David Waldman, a pediatrician at Stanford Children's Health Center . ".
"Anything that hits you with dopamine will make you feel good so you will want to do it again and again.
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