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Online sex shop a hit with Muslims - sex shop online

by:KISSTOY     2020-08-27
Online sex shop a hit with Muslims  -  sex shop online
"In the first four days, we had about 70,000 hits," said Abdelaziz Aouragh, founder of El Asira . ".
The site was launched last week, claiming to be the world's first pornographic website for Muslims. The 29-year-
Old Dutch nationals say its goal is a married Muslim couple as an alternative to the site "focusing on the extravagant side of pornography and pornography"
What is forbidden by Islam
El Asira's home page, which means "society" in Arabic, is a sober black-gray street with a line in the middle inviting women on the left to enter and men on the right to enter.
Once in, customers can browse Dutch, Arabic or English through more than a dozen products, mainly massage oil, lubricants and tablets known as Spring medicine.
Mr. Aouragh said that all the ingredients were halal or "Islamic permitted" and that there was a clear absence of any type of pornography.
"Most other products have photos of nudity or swearing ---
"It's hard to find what I can use in my business," he said . ".
Instead, the website only displays photos of boxes, tablets, tubes and bottles --
Mainly pink or blue with brand logo, black flame.
"We have chosen a way of respecting others," it declared itself "a novelty in the Islamic world ".
Muslim clergy like Imam Abdul Jabbar in the Netherlands did not see any harm on Mr. Aouragh's website.
"As long as he doesn't sell sex toys or anything like that, there's no problem," he added . ": Prophet Muhammad gave a lot of advice on sex in marriage, "there is no need to be ashamed.
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