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Oregon occupiers ask public for supplies: get glitter, sex toys - large sex toys

by:KISSTOY     2020-02-24
Oregon occupiers ask public for supplies: get glitter, sex toys  -  large sex toys
Daniel Wallis (Reuters)-
Gifts of sex toys, glitter powder and nail polish are not something that armed protesters took over the United States. S.
At Oregon's wildlife sanctuary, they are looking forward to it when they appeal to the public for supplies to help them spend the winter.
The Occupi took over the construction of the Malheur National Wildlife Sanctuary in January.
In the recent American conflictS.
The government took control of the land in the West, and when they provided a mailing address to people sympathetic to the local area, they had always wanted to get snacks, fuel and warm clothes.
Instead, as they show angrily online, they receive sex --
The toys and food involved are of little use, as they are ready for a long stand-off with federal law enforcement officers, who have been at a distance.
"Really mind --
It makes me feel like people really spend money. . .
"All these hateful things have to be sent to us," says Jon Ritzheimer, one of the occupying forces, in this week's Facebook video, he showed items including a large toy and a bag of penis --shaped candies.
"This is ridiculous," he said before sweeping a pile of parcels from the table to the floor.
"We will continue to work and do good for our country.
We will not be intimidated.
"The occupation caused ridicule from social media critics who gave the group a nickname in a play on the militant label, including # YallQaeda and # vanilla
Some online opponents are delighted to have the possibility of sending a series of packages to protesters filled with glitter, nail polish, pedicure socks and perfume. A Chicago-
The head office designer released an online order of £ 55 on Wednesday.
The "passion" lubricant gallon barrel is priced at more than $1,000 at "ATTN. OREGON MILITIA.
Designer Max Temkin then tweeted: "I hope no one shot me with a gun . ".
The occupation of Malheur also caused the Angry Birds.
Observers and wildlife photographers are usually able to enjoy the species that watch the show in the sanctuary.
In a public letter last week, a bird
Observers warned protesters that every move was under surveillance.
"You will never see us, but we and our cameras will always see you," the author wrote . " He used the username of the Norwegian chef.
"We will take backmalheur from you terrorists, and we will not rest until each of you mobs and poachers are locked in their prisons. "(
Daniel Wallis reports in Denver.
Editor Peter Cooney)
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