Over 50s still enjoy play time: sex poll - couples sex toys online
A Tauranga adult store staff member said that once teenagers leave home, the couple will turn to the spicy bedroom antics.
"They have more time. . .
This is an era in which they can rediscover themselves, "said Gloria McCoy of the noble adult boutique.
Many people like to go to the store with their partner or spouse, and about half of the customers are over 50 years old.
"We have a lot of people between the ages of 50 and 80.
"It's just adding something extra to their [sex]
Life, "she said.
This week, a survey of excessive bedroom
People in their 50 s revealed that naughty sex and morning tumbling are the most popular among older couples.
About 700 New Zealanders close to the golden age took part in the survey conducted by online social clubs and lifestyle magazine adults.
Many people immerse themselves in the joy of the flesh every day, and others choose to save it on "special occasions ".
Sex toys are also popular, and even residents who rest at home are not immune to a little physical intimacy.
Among those surveyed, more than one thought morning was the preferred time for intimate contact, and about half thought sex toys featured their antics.
Dr Christine Locke, national health advisor for family planning, said people of all ages enjoy intimacy in their bedrooms.
"People are sexual even in nursing homes and retirement villages, and they need to have privacy.
The feeling of sex is life.
She said: "But the results of the survey show that almost one of the five older couples has never used a condom and must be skeptical.
"This is a survey conducted by an interesting social club, and people who participate in the survey tend to socialize.
Dr. Roke said: "The number of sexually transmitted infections in people over the age of 50 has increased slightly, which may be related to high divorce rates and more casual relationships in New Zealand.
Richard Poole, founder of the adult website, said the results show how important security behavior is. "It's . . .
It's important to make sure you know that your partner already has a "sexual health certificate ". " 11. 5 per cent -never. 14. 3 per cent -
On "special occasions ". 51. 1 per cent -use sex toys.
38 per cent -
There is no need for a sexual performance booster like Viagra.
Divorce rate in New Zealand :(
Every 1000 marriages)2011: 9. 8 2010: 10. 2 2009: 10.