Parent Trap: A Mom vibrates with embarrassment when her 8-year-old discovers sex toys - vibrating sex toys for men

I want to laugh (
Not in our house)
But I can imagine it!
Sex toys, sex store, underwear, sex toys party, Austin Bowles, asshole and more.
There have been several times in our home and it will always lead to interesting discussions. My advice;
Wait until puberty to try these conversations.
Believe me, there will be many opportunities.
Jen, RichmondIt is fun-being a parent is a very embarrassing part of a cultural reality full of clear images and information: it's even more distressing when your child finds out something about their parents' "intimate" lives. Yikes! !
When my son was 8 years old, he came home after an appointment and told me that his friend showed him some "disgusting" websites.
He was very upset and upset about everything he saw.
Trying to interpret images in a context that he can understand is a hard job, but I'm glad I thought about how to explain all aspects to him in advance.
My suggestion is to answer his questions so that he can continue to think.
Dawn, your child just wants a lightsaber.
Buy him a new one and it's over.
I found the children walking fast and he was too young to hear from the vibrator.
Tim, when children find out that they can talk about anything in consultation without telling their parents, they go all out.
Especially in terms of sex.
Question like this: how does a boy have sex?
If I fantasize about blowing up my friend's breasts until she's fully inflated, am I a monster?
What if I can't be with a girl because I can only masturbate with an old fur jacket?
Children have all sorts of problems with sex, and they are exposed to much more than we know.
Nevertheless, it is our job to filter and make sure that our children do not try to understand all of this before the development is ready.
Their questions can be very scary to answer, going through the motions between informative versusisn and not easy to negotiate.
What do parents do?
When it comes to the child's question about sex, the first rule is to be honest and direct.
Pick up a copy of Meg Hicklin's book, The New saying of sex, as a step to understand what to say and when to say it.
Second, give yourself some time.
To put it simply, "Good question, I need to think about it.
It will take me an hour, but I promise to answer your question ".
Third, don't avoid it.
No matter what their question is, they will find another way to answer it if you don't answer it.
Fourth, ask yourself a question.
In the case of the vibrator, you might ask, "What do you already know about this?
Fifth, answer his question with positive value.
It may be, "It's not a real toy for children, it's something to use when men and women really love and trust each other and want to share those feelings through sex.
Sixth, ask them what they have.
If you are lucky enough to answer their questions, you can all move on happily.
Avoiding your son's curiosity will convey the message that you are inaccessible when it comes to sexual issues, not the precedent you want to set.
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